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Understanding the Pineal Gland: How To Decalcify a Calcified Pineal Gland

This is a foundational overview of some recent work I've been doing into Energy or Vibration and the third eye / pineal gland that I find utterly fascinating. I did a Psychology and Neuroscience BSc many years ago, so you could say I'm a bit of a nut when it comes to understanding the brain. But I take the stance that the spiritual realm and what we don't know is at the key to unlocking and understanding our true potential, rather than the stuff science tell us that we do know - which is nothing btw).

I hope to share more detailed posts and deep dives as we continue our journey on living a high vibrational life, raising our frequency and keeping our pineal glands decalcified as we begin our new life in Bali (we're selling everything to travel full time with our kids), but it all starts with an introduction. An easy read if you like when it comes to subjects of our very being, the pineal gland that truly govern our existence.

This journey began as an intention to live a more meaningful and fulfilled life as a family. One that was based on an abundant mindset, living a happy life, doing what we love. For a long time we've felt as though we are not doing what we are supposed to be doing.

We have ran our own busy businesses for the last 15 years, which kept us busy and trapped in our own rat race. When covid hit, it forced us to ask ourselves deeper q's about life and the direction we were going in. We realised that something had to change. Something had to give. We started working on ourselves, taking our internal health seriously, which opened up our true manifesting abilities and living an abundant dream life (that was only 2 years ago, just that, an unattainable 'dream'). I put this down to raising vibrations, decalcifying our pineal glands to connect to our higher selves and alchemise for abundance and creation. And if I'm truly honest with myself, I believe it all started in 2020 with the decision to tun off the news. A simple physical act that stopped the bombardment of fear flooding into our house. Whilst friends consumed the news greedily buying into every fact told (or lie depending on your world view), we consumed only what felt right. If it 'felt' right we went with it. Feeling was our indicator not what we were being told. Once we were not living in a cloud bubble of fear, starting to see clearly was easier and life was never the same for us again.

For the last 2 years we've been living from the heart as opposed to the head. Asking ourselves deep questions and listening as closely as we could to what our hearts felt was right. Living within the Laws of The Universe. Asking the Universe questions and getting answers. It's been a journey so far. And as I go down the rabbit hole further I learn more and more and find it easier to listen to this inner intuition that we all have, but have somehow lost in the chaos of busy life. And mis-information our system has taught us. For the last 2 years we've been living with decalcified pineal glands and an open third eye. But that's not to say that it doesn't close over and requires us time and time again to dig deeper and go back within.

Knowing about the pineal gland and how looking after it's health is the first step into living a more connected life. Just knowing about the pineal gland can awaken help us live a better and more fulfilled life. The fact that you are here, shows that you are already on your way to activating the pineal gland. A journey of self discovery and actualizing our higher potential.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what the pineal gland is, how the ancients viewed the pineal gland, what a calcified pineal gland is, its potential implications, and ways to maintain pineal health, decalcify and activate. Then, we’ll explore traditional methods for pineal gland activation, or what’s often called “opening your third eye.”:

How To Decalcify pineal gland?

Pineal Gland Detox

What is The Pineal Gland

Pineal Gland - what is this tiny gland in the brain - The pineal gland, a small grain of rice in size, no bigger than pea-sized endocrine organ located deep within the centre of the the brain. The pineal gland is shaped like a pine cone – where it gets its name (in Latin, pinea means “of the pine” or “covered in pines”). If you touch in between the eyebrows (the third eye) and focus behind that to a more central location inside the brain - it's there.

The Pineal Glands Purpose

The Pineal gland plays a crucial role in regulating sleep patterns and the reception and processing of light, the circadian rhythms, aging and the production of melatonin (a powerful antioxidant). Descartes called the pineal gland the “principal seat of the soul and the place in which all our thoughts are formed.”

The Pineal Gland Location

Pineal Gland - where is the pineal gland located in the brain - located deep within the brain in between the 2 hemispheres inside the epithalamus. If we were to cut the brain in half sliced down the middle of the 2 sides (the 2 hemispheres right and left) we'd have a lump inside that was neither left nor right (that's the epithalamus).

The epithalamus is located in the diencephalon, or forebrain. If you touch in between the eyebrows (where the third eye is), close your eyes and focus behind that to a more central location inside the brain - it's in there there. Sharing space with the habenular nuclei and the stria medullaris.

The Pineal Gland is part of the sympathetic nervous system and controls the sleep-wake cycle (the Circadian rhythm), and, with it's mates (the habenular and stria medullaris) they collectively, connect the limbic system to parts of the brain. The pineal gland is a part of a subsystem called the “photoendocrine system.” Regulating the Circadian rhythm and emotions. Melatonin is the chief chemical produced and circulated by the pineal gland. The pineal gland plays a huge role in the production and distribution of melatonin.

How the Ancients Viewed The Pineal Gland.

There are hundreds of accounts written by ancient cultures all over the world on the esoteric and anatomical mysteries on the precious pineal gland. And, although modern scientists have observed how the pineal gland secretes essentials like melatonin, serotonin and DMT (the spirit molecule) many of its roles remain a mystery.

17th century philosopher + scientist René Descartes, dedicated much time to the study of the pineal gland. He represented it as a Pinecone, a sacred symbol throughout history in almost every culture around the world and coined it as "principal seat of the soul".

Ancient Assyrian carvings, dating back to 713-716 BC depict four-winged God-like figures using a pinecone to polinate their depiction of the Tree of Life.

In Greek and Roman history. Dionysus, was continually depicted carrying a "Thyrsus," a fennel staff woven with ivy and leaves and topped with a pinecone.

In Catholic traditions, The Egyptian Staff of Osiris, dating back to 1224 BC, depicts two intertwining serpents The Coat of Arms of the Holy See, found on the Vatican flag among other places, features a stacking of three crowns in shape to a pinecone.

Tribute to the Pinecone's immortality symbolism. Rising up to meet at a pinecone. Buddhists all throughout history have shaped their hair into the pinecone shape to pay honour to the pineal gland's powers.

Mexican god "Chicomecoatl" ("Seven Snakes 🐍 ") depicts the deity offering forth pinecones in one hand, and an evergreen tree in the other.

Indian deity "Kundalini" depicted as coiled serpents rising up from the base of the spine to the Third Eye (Pineal Gland) in the moment of enlightenment.

What Is Pineal Gland Calcification?

As we age, the pineal gland can undergo changes, one of which is calcification. Calcification of the pineal gland refers to the accumulation of calcium deposits within the gland. This process is often seen as a natural part of aging, similar to how other tissues in the body can become calcified over time. Studies suggest that calcification is prevalent, with many individuals over the age of 30 showing signs of it on medical imaging. But not just age. We are seeing almost all people having calcified pineal glands because of the their exposure to things in their environments and diets.

Causes of Calcification

While the exact cause of pineal gland calcification isn’t entirely understood, several factors are believed to contribute:

  1. Age: Calcification tends to increase with age. Research indicates that older individuals are more likely to have calcified pineal glands.

  2. Environmental Factors: Exposure to fluoride and certain chemicals has been linked to increased calcification. Some studies suggest that fluoride can accumulate in the pineal gland, potentially leading to calcification.

  3. Diet and Lifestyle: High levels of sugar, processed foods, and lack of nutrients may play a role in the health of the pineal gland.

  4. Genetics: Genetic predispositions can also influence the likelihood of calcification.

Potential Implications of Calcification

The implications of a calcified pineal gland are still a topic of ongoing research. While some studies have suggested a correlation between calcification and various health issues, such as sleep disorders and altered melatonin production, conclusive evidence is still lacking.

  1. Sleep Disturbances: Since the pineal gland is integral to melatonin production, calcification may potentially disrupt sleep patterns. Individuals with a calcified gland might experience difficulty in maintaining regular sleep cycles.

  2. Mood and Mental Health: There’s ongoing research into the relationship between pineal gland health and mood regulation. Some studies suggest that disturbances in melatonin levels could be linked to anxiety and depression.

  3. Endocrine Disruption: The pineal gland is part of the endocrine system, and calcification could impact hormone regulation, although more research is needed to understand this relationship fully.

How to Activate the Pineal Gland

Guided steps for activation: Activate your third eye through meditation, dietary adjustments, and third eye meditations.

15 Powerful Plants to Decalcify the Pineal Gland

See the full blog post which deep dives into each of the below 15 pineal gland ingredients with shopping list that you can save to your phone photos

Maintaining Pineal Gland Health

While we cannot completely prevent calcification, there are ways to support the overall health of the pineal gland and potentially minimize the impact of calcification:

  1. Balanced Diet: Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, and essential vitamins can support brain health. Foods like leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish are excellent choices.

  2. Hydration: Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins that could contribute to calcification. Some suggest using filtered water to reduce exposure to harmful substances.

  3. Limit Fluoride Exposure: Consider reducing your fluoride intake by choosing fluoride-free dental products and filtering your drinking water.

  4. Sunlight Exposure: Natural light helps regulate circadian rhythms and melatonin production. Aim for daily sunlight exposure, especially in the morning.

  5. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Practices like meditation and yoga can help reduce stress and promote overall well-being, which may positively influence sleep patterns.


A calcified pineal gland is a common occurrence, especially as we age, and while it may have some implications for health, more research is needed to fully understand its effects. By adopting a healthy lifestyle and being mindful of potential risk factors, you can support your pineal gland and overall brain health. Staying informed and proactive is key to maintaining balance in your body’s intricate systems. If you have concerns about your pineal gland or sleep health, consider consulting a healthcare professional for personalized advice.



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Hey you! My name is Fletch, a Northern girl from the UK, living with the love of my life (aka Mr Be Nothing Like) and our 2 children, Lilly + Bertie Boo. We're about to embark on some big life moves, selling our things to move to the other side of the world, Bali, Indonesia to live a high vibe life of our dreams. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business (which runs passively), while researching on Instagram what to make for dinner. And at home (as I really am a home girl), world schooling my children, doing yoga, meditating, being in nature. I created this blog to share everything I have learnt about creating a freedom life. A life of your dreams, through harnessing energy + vibration to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, successful and free. A life you deserve. A life that you love. There is another way. I'm sharing everything that I know.

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