The Power of The 639hz Frequency

In a world filled with constant noise and distractions, the search for inner peace and emotional balance has never been more important. Ancient healing practices, such as sound therapy, have long been used to harmonize the mind, body, and spirit. The 639 Hz Solfeggio frequency is known for its association with love, communication, and emotional healing. 639 Hz is part of the sacred Solfeggio scale that I cover in a deep dive series exploring pure tones and how they can help the vibration and frequency of the body and our well-being. But how exactly can this specific frequency enhance our lives? From strengthening relationships to fostering self-love and harmony, the 639 Hz frequency offers a powerful tool for anyone looking to improve their emotional health and overall sense of balance. In this blog, we’ll explore the many benefits of 639 Hz, how it works, and how you can integrate it into your life for a more peaceful, loving existence. Listening to the 639 Hz frequency and getting back to balance has beneficial effects on the body, mind, and spirit. And how you can join in my 21 day challenge for free to re-calibrate the body in just 5 mins a day.
Read on whilst the tone is playing for the full benefits of what listening to the 639 hz Solfeggio frequency for body, soul and mind...

I have personally been working with tone and frequency for the last few years as part of my own healing journey from my Psychology and Neuroscience days to now working with holistic modalities with my own struggle with depression and mental health. Having transformed my life through energy and vibration and this kind of healing after a lifetime of TRYING to heal from medication and medical methods. I share all of the nugget of light and healing that have helped me on my healing and awakening journey in the hope that I can help one other person.
I share my journey with this struggle and also of having a spiritual awakening and learning about energy, vibration and frequency on my blog with the main aim to help anyone that is curious about the world of frequency or anyone that is also struggling right now, like I was. I don't have all the answers just what I know and my own experience that I know can help. More than just healing for peace and tranquility. Imagine what living a life filled with love, joy and peace can feel like. After living like this for a little while, you vibrate differently which enables a whole other world of possibilities to enter into your life including manifestation, quantum jumping of timelines and really truly living the life you love. I also fully healed from From reading my blog, you'll probably know that I healed from the depression, and once healed it was very clear to me that I wasn't where I was meant to be and this resulted in some big shifts and big life changes, where raising my families vibration and living as high vibe, happy and fulfilled as possible is the only real aim right now. So you'll know I'm in Bali enjoying life. I share everything on this blog from my perspective in life and my own personal journey. In everything I write is guided from my souls mission to help. Also I'm still on my spiritual awakening - the more I learn and know - the less I realise I know - and so I expect it'll be my life's work from here now. Let me know if you are on your own Spiritual Awakening too ? There's more of us than you'll know (even though it can feel quite isolating at times).
This is not medical advice also. Just my own experience with depression. Maybe it was just my time to heal. And divine timing brought me to all of the learnings that have since unfollowed and that I share on this blog. I needed to realise that the answers were within me. Nobody could have told me when I wasn't ready for this. Just like I don't expect to be telling anybody that isn't at that place in their own lives. It's kind of like a 'inner-standing' - an understanding deep within, like de ja vu feeling of knowing something. Of having had this info before. And then the learning will follow. The people will show up in your life because you're level of comprehension and consciousness is at a place that can allow them to show up. Beings, entities, gifts.
I personally know that frequency and vibration is the make up of everything in the Universe. Everything physical that we have in our lives right now (whether that's something physical or a situation or an outcome or feeling) vibrates at it's own a frequency. Including ideas, thoughts, feelings and consciousness. If we raise our personal vibration (including the types of thoughts we have also) then our bodies, mind and spirit vibrate at this higher level too. The goal is to have a high vibration more than we have lower. And this takes work. To master ourselves. If we find ourselves slipping back into fear, doubt, worry, anger, hate, jealousy, low feelings and thoughts, we get out our mindset and spiritual toolbox and work at raising them. Repressed emotions from childhoods, and earlier lives, as well as those of our generation line, energetically are blocking our divine nature. If we raise the vibration that we live in in the present right now moment (to feelings of peace, love, joy, happiness) and start to feel these feelings, it is possible that we can change the physical things that appear in our lives also. You've heard of the sayings 'your vibe attracts your tribe' ; 'like attracts like' etc. I was a master manifester by nature. But boy oh boy did this become difficult when depression is around. It's like the magic was gone. It's like my magic was gone. Or my zest. The spark. I needed this lesson and suffering to truly know and it seems I was a slow learner. It took me 40 years to remember my own magic (light / frequency). And I can now see this light in others in the way of auras. I can clearly see when they have holes, leakages or are dim. And i can see when their energy needs fixing too. But know this friend, you can fix it.
Anyway, the Solfeggio frequencies are part of this massive toolbox that can help us when we need to work on our own vibe. Simple yet effective tones that tune us into their frequency to de-tox, re-cleanse, clear energy blockages in the energy centres of the body, heal physical body, tissue, bones, cells faster, open up our spiritual antennae's if you like to help us cleanse our vessel for higher levels of consciousness. They are not quick fixes and work alongside other pieces in the toolbox. But I share then freely on this blog because everybody should know about them. In fact we should be being taught this stuff at school from a young age. Do you think there's a reason why we are not?
'your vibe attracts your tribe' ; 'like attracts like' : These things have their roots in alchemy from Ancient texts and there's good reason for it. Look up The Kybalion by The Three Initiates. Behind these cute slogans - there is a hidden truth in what they mean. And so for healing, manifesting and spiritual progression, if we can raise our personal vibration - shifting our vibration to that of a higher one - life magically improves. This doesn't mean being happy all the time and positive thinking (although that helps because happiness and positivity do vibrate at a higher frequency), but when something throws you off guard, or a life issue pops up, where you slip back down the scale to these lower vibrations. These tones can be your go to to get you back into your energy body instead of the head (worry, overthinking, scared place, which will instantly drop you back into a lower vibration). It first of all begins with knowing the information and knowing that it is possible to self heal. After all we taught that healing is external. We reach for the tablets, the doctors advice, the self help book. We reach externally. When working with the Solfeggio frequencies these mighty tones have an effect on our internal nature. They bring the body, mind and spirit to their same level. And from there we can benefit from each tone and what it can do to DNA our cells, our minds, our feelings and then our outcomes.
I share these tones because they are simple and effective for altering the vibration of where they are played. And for me they are a great place to start to raise our vibration. I listen to them daily. Because why not!
And I share this pure tone version on my YouTube here if you are on your own vibrational or awakening journey. The tones are not intended to be instant quick fixes of course, there is deep inner work to be done for all healing aspects (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual whatever your need), but they are there for as and when you need them.
If you've been following my daily blog updates, you'll know that soon all 9 of the Solfeggio frequencies will be up on my YT channel and I will start working on my next set of Binaural Beats (which are also amazing btw!!) to change brain wave state as well as some easy mindful meditations for beginners, and advanced meditations for manifesting real change and connecting to your guides - out to the world. This is Solfeggio frequency 7 of 9... and there's 2 more to follow during the rest of the week. And these are for total beginners too. I was not a hippy dippy, meditating guru. Nor was I vegan, nor was I spiritual, religious. I was just a girl looking for help and very real ways of getting better. Wanting a better life. And that's why I think these frequencies are for everybody.
Enjoy the learnings here on the 639Hz Solfeggio Frequency around the benefits that it can bring and please do listen in to the the 5 mins for a quick re-calibration of your whole body. It's as easy as listening in for just 5 mins! You can have it on whilst you read this, or whilst you do the dishes, laundry, work online, drive - wherever. So long as you have the frequency around you it's working. Just 5 mins is fine but for transformation you'll want to commit to 21 days of at least 5 mins. Longer = better.
And just 5 mins per day of this tone is enough to feel these benefits. For 21 days you should start to see noticeable changes. But most importantly you start 'feeling' it and that's when you know. When you know, you know. It's quite hard to explain a miracle thing of something as we are humans and we mostly like to see before we can believe. But when we 'feel' then that's when you don't need to explain it at all. I urge you to join my 'Just 5 Minutes to Change Your Frequency Challenge' to feel what I mean here. It's free, it's easy, so it's there for you to bookmark it and when you're ready to listen in daily to make a difference to your energy, your frequency and your reality. It really does take just 5 minutes!
639Hz frequency benefits
Resonates with the heart chakra. While 639 Hz is primarily associated with emotional and spiritual healing, there are some indirect ways in which it can support physical well-being, especially when considered as part of a holistic approach to health. Here are a few potential ways that 639 Hz may help in improving physical health:
1. Stress Reduction and Relaxation
How it Helps: Listening to 639 Hz, as part of sound healing practices, can help reduce stress and anxiety, which, when chronic, can negatively impact physical health. Prolonged stress is linked to numerous physical health issues, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and weakened immune function.
Effect: By promoting relaxation, lowering stress hormones, and calming the nervous system, 639 Hz can contribute to physical relaxation and may help prevent stress-related ailments.
2. Improving Sleep Quality
How it Helps: Sound frequencies like 639 Hz can promote relaxation and balance, making it easier for individuals to enter a restful state. Good sleep is essential for physical recovery, immune system function, and overall health.
Effect: By helping to balance the heart chakra and promoting emotional calm, the frequency might make it easier for people to fall asleep, leading to better physical recovery and healing during sleep.
3. Enhanced Circulation and Heart Health
How it Helps: Since 639 Hz is thought to resonate with the heart chakra, it may have a positive impact on the physical heart, promoting circulation and overall cardiovascular health. While there is no direct evidence linking 639 Hz to heart function, promoting emotional healing and reducing stress can support heart health.
Effect: Reducing emotional tension and promoting a sense of calm may help reduce the physical impact of stress on the heart, potentially lowering blood pressure and improving circulation.
4. Pain Reduction
How it Helps: Sound therapy, in general, has been used to reduce pain perception. While 639 Hz is not specifically studied for pain relief, listening to calming frequencies can reduce the perception of discomfort by lowering the body's stress response, which can enhance pain management.
Effect: Sound healing practices can help release endorphins and relax the body’s muscles and tissues, which might reduce pain and discomfort, especially in cases of muscle tension or stress-related pain.
5. Supporting the Immune System
How it Helps: Sound healing, by reducing stress and improving emotional balance, may indirectly support the immune system. Chronic stress weakens the immune response, so creating an environment of emotional stability with frequencies like 639 Hz could, in theory, promote better physical health by enhancing immune function.
Effect: A relaxed and emotionally balanced state may lead to better overall health and improved resistance to illness by supporting a more efficient immune system.
6. Cellular Healing and Regeneration
How it Helps: There are some theories suggesting that sound frequencies can impact cellular health by resonating with the body’s vibrational patterns, though scientific evidence in this area is still developing. The idea is that specific frequencies can stimulate healing at a cellular level, supporting physical regeneration.
Effect: Although this concept is more theoretical, regular exposure to healing frequencies like 639 Hz may support cellular healing by helping to reduce stress, encourage circulation, and promote overall wellness, all of which are factors in physical healing and regeneration.
7. Balancing Hormones
How it Helps: Chronic emotional imbalances can affect hormonal levels. Since 639 Hz is linked to the heart chakra and emotional health, it could help restore a sense of balance and emotional equilibrium, which may have a positive impact on hormonal regulation.
Effect: A more balanced emotional state could, over time, help regulate stress-related hormones (like cortisol) and contribute to better overall physical health, including improved metabolic processes.
If you haven't already you can listen to 639 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Pure Tone Here
But wait... you might like to read more about frequency. What even are The Solfeggio frequencies anyway?
You can check out my full deep dive into all of the frequencies within the Solfeggio scale here to learn more or You can listen in to the 5 min healing tones over on YouTube here which have slides to learn about the frequencies.
But basically, The Solfeggio frequencies often referred to as The Solfeggio scale is a range of electromagnetic frequencies that when listened to change the frequency of the space where they sound out as well as that of the listener. They have an effect physically as well as emotionally & spiritually.
There are 9 Solfeggio frequencies in total — there were 6 solfeggio frequencies initially plus 3 additional frequencies that were later shown to have healing effects and so were added over time to make the official current list of 9. One of which being today's frequency 639Hz.
What are The 9 Solfeggio frequencies?
The 9 Solfeggio frequencies are 174 Hz, 285 Hz, 396 Hz, 417 Hz, 528 Hz, 639 Hz, 741 Hz, 852 Hz and 963 Hz. Each frequency has different healing properties and vibrational qualities. This blog post is my personal deep dive into 639 Hz frequency benefits.
What is a Frequency? Some Sciencey bits....
Everything in the universe is made of matter. Matter is made up of atoms. And the atoms in our bodies, the molecules and atoms in inanimate objects, thoughts, consciousness and sounds - are all moving & vibrating. These vibrations resonate at their own frequency. The number of vibrations per seconds is known as "frequency", which is measured in Hz.
We of course can’t hear all of these frequencies but everything is making its own song. There’s the technology now to hear what the stars sound like which is pretty beautiful. If you are interested in energy and how we can use it for wellness check out this post on Universal Energy: Chi, Prana etc here and generally go check out the energy and vibration section on the blog for more energy healing in general. But you'll love this post which relates to The Universal Laws (my blog post that went viral that's my personal deep dive into how the Universe works in terms of frequency, energy, vibration)
Many will know I'm doing a Sound Healing Diploma in Bali and here's some info on mainly what we use the 639hz frequency for...
We use The 639Hz frequency for areas related to love, communication, and emotional healing. To help clients release emotional blockages or negative patterns in relationships, facilitating forgiveness, understanding, and improved interaction. It is often employed to help resolve conflicts and encourage more open, loving communication. Overall listening to 639 Hz enhances communication and harmony in relationships (romantic, familial, or professional)
The main physical benefits associated with listening to or being exposed to the 639 Hz frequency:
Promoting Harmony in Relationships: 639 Hz is often associated with the energy of love and communication, particularly in healing relationships. It's thought to encourage open dialogue, emotional healing, and the resolution of conflict in personal and interpersonal connections.
Improving Emotional Balance: Listening to this frequency might help individuals manage their emotions, fostering a sense of inner peace and reducing feelings of anxiety or stress. It’s believed to activate the heart chakra, which is linked to emotional well-being and compassion.
Enhanced Communication: The frequency is believed to support better communication and understanding, especially in relationships. It may help you express your thoughts and feelings more effectively, promoting more meaningful conversations.
Clearing Blockages: Similar to other Solfeggio frequencies, 639 Hz is thought to assist in removing energetic blockages, particularly those related to relationships or emotional baggage.
Improved Mental Clarity: By listening to 639 Hz, individuals may experience improved mental clarity, especially in terms of emotional decision-making, due to its association with harmony and emotional balance.
Spiritual and Chakra Healing: In spiritual practices, the 639 Hz frequency is linked to the heart chakra, which governs love, compassion, and forgiveness. Regular exposure may be believed to support spiritual growth and emotional healing.
Like all the Solfeggio frequencies it will also help order those brainwaves and help you with brain fog and getting aligned (something that can be felt after a few days, even an hour for some people). Especially good for menopause fog, brains that have ADHD, depression, anxiety tendencies.
Not to be confused with Binaural beats (another blog post for another day and I have some brilliant free binaural meditations coming for you soon), Solfeggio frequencies are specific one-tone frequencies that are believed to have healing properties, whereas binaural beats are created by combining two different frequencies, and are believed to alter brain waves. I’ll do a blog post soon exploring binaural beats for increasing your vibration (different but good in equal measures for altering your vibrational frequency).
The human ear can actually only hear a very limited range of vibrations per second [ 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz) ]. We hardly hear anything of what is really going on out there.
Whereas dolphins and bats are capable of hearing sound up to 100 kHz. More advanced beings & entities even more. So you can see how limited the human capacity for hearing sounds is.
The Solfeggio Frequencies are 9 different pure tones / notes ranging from 174Hz to 963Hz that help heal and raise consciousness. If you’re on a spiritual journey, The Solfeggio frequencies will be one of the simplest and best tools to know about in your toolkit for sounds to heal trauma, clear energy blockages and raise consciousness to open the pineal gland and beyond. Solfeggio frequencies, interact with your brain to generate vibrations in your body. Just knowing what they were in the early days helped me to understand why I was feeling the way I was when around different frequencies. The sounds give you a little bit of what you need. Whether you’re at the beginning of an awakening and just need to take time out to relax after a busy day. Have better sleep. Release stress. Or you are working through a lot of childhood trauma or emotional trauma through chakra balancing meditations. Or are a seasoned meditator looking at raising your consciousness to the next level. It’s like having your own little medicine cabinet of sounds. Each frequency for different things.
To fully understand how solfeggio frequencies work, you first need to know about the Schumann Resonance.
The Schumann Resonance and Solfeggio Frequencies
The Schumann Resonance, also referred to as "Earth's Heartbeat," is the electromagnetic frequency that vibrates between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere, the boundary where the Earth's atmosphere meets space.
The vibrations surround us, aligning with the five brain wave states we go through in a day: delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma.
An excess or deficiency of any of these brain waves can cause chaos in both the mind and body.
Listening to solfeggio frequencies stimulates and balances brain wave patterns which also has the potential to evoke a strong physical or mental reaction.
How to Use Pure Tone 639Hz Solfeggio Frequency
The best way is to listen to each tone individually with headphones to work on a specific area. If you need to listen to more frequencies do it one after another.
If you want to feel the benefits of changing your vibration, listen to this 639Hz tone combined with the other 8 frequencies daily with earphones for 21 days. In My FREE Just 5 Minutes... To Change Your Frequency Challenge over on YouTube. It's completely free, it's easy to do and after a few days of doing it I want you to concentrate on how your brain is feeling? Is it clearer? Sharper? Then from there I want you to simply read the information on those videos to absorb what each tone / frequency is doing to the frequency in your space and your body. Just read it. You don't need to believe it. Or even feel that it's working for it to be doing exactly what it's meant to be doing. Just read the information (to better understand and develop your understanding of energy and vibration) and simply continue listening in daily to the remainder of the full 21 days. I have some ladies who notice their menopausal brain fog lift so fast after the first couple of days that they now just listen to this only in their day (instead of the radio) this was me too btw, and so if you notice this too, please comment here or drop me a message and I'll send you a private link to the longer tones (an hour of pure tone, 3 hours of pure tone etc). Click below to start your 5 min challenge.
How to listen? Through headphones or just playing in the background to your day will still be fine. Not loud just at a comfortable volume as you go about the day or that feels comfortable to you. It's not about what your hearing or the volume (higher doesn't mean it works better), it's about what is happening to the invisible (to the naked eye) energy waves that are around you - so even just having it on will give the benefits. You will likely notice benefits after one session, but don't go searching for these benefits - worrying that you're not feeling them - just continue on and relax with it - this is me btw, I'm always looking for answers and validation that somethings working etc - just simply repeat for your 21 days to get the most out of these tones. We personally have these tones playing in the background of our house where we are not noticing them as music but that their frequency is subtly altering the environment. Because why not! Particularly during work and learning times as they help with mental brain fog due to the negative frequencies that can often be surrounding us from devices, negative entities and low vibrational people and things. So instead of the TV or radio we have a tone on and this only really came about by chance and realising that we were super productive during a morning where I'd been editing a Solfeggio video where the tone had been playing for a few hours during the edit. We trialled it the next day and sure enough it was the tones that were increasing our productivity through ordering our brainwaves. We trialled it with the kids home schooling and their focus, concentration was clear and razor sharp. And now we never not have some form of tone on in the background of our home where daily jobs are going on (school work / we run businesses from home too). If you've ever taken mushroom powder such as Lions Mane or Rieshi powder and noticed how clear your mind feels? I liken the tones as background noise to this feeling. It's very similar. Let me know how you find it?
Then for actual healing or meditation purposes (actually what they're in tended for) then of course we have the tone to suit or a mix of tones depending on if we're focusing on a particular area or we are carrying out sound healing.

I uploaded just the free 5 min pure tone Solfeggio 639Hz Frequency video on YouTube but if you would like longer sessions, let me know and I can look at adding longer free 1 hour 639Hz video or even 3 hour task block videos so you're not having to loop it every 5 mins ;-) so drop that comment to let me know.
You might also like: All 9 of The Solfeggio Frequencies can be listened to here: