The 12 universal laws of The Universe
This is a foundational overview of some recent work I've been doing into Energy or Vibration that I find utterly fascinating. I hope to share more detailed posts and deep dives once on our travel journey begins (we're selling everything to travel full time with our kids), but it all starts with an introduction. An easy read if you like when it comes to subjects of our very being, the universal laws that govern our existence and The Universe.
Knowing about the 12 laws of the universe and how these laws can help us live a better and more fulfilled life.

This journey began as an intention to live a more meaningful and fulfilled life as a family. One that was based on an abundant mindset, living a happy life, doing what we love. For a long time we've felt as though we are not doing what we are supposed to be doing.
We have ran our own busy businesses for the last 15 years, which kept us busy and trapped in our own rat race. When covid hit, it forced us to ask ourselves deeper q's about life and the direction we were going in. We realised that something had to change. Something had to give. We are still in the throws of planning this big life change. But we're almost ready to embark on our travels.
For the last year we've been living from the heart as opposed to the head. Asking ourselves deep questions and listening as closely as we could to what our hearts felt was right. Asking the Universe questions and getting answers. It's been a journey so far. And as I go down the rabbit hole further I learn more and more and find it easier to listen to this inner intuition that we all have, but have somehow lost in the chaos of busy life. And mis-information our system has taught us.
The Universal Laws are a blueprint that I feel we should be teaching our children from a young age. There is something intuitive and wise in the laws... that once you come to grips with some terminology of oneness with source. Knowing them will help you make more sense of the world around you, reshape your thinking, increase your quality of life, and bring more meaning to your existence. Not only can you have complete control of your life and the world around you by understanding the laws that govern all things but knowing these laws you can take advantage of the hidden secrets of the universe and have anything you desire, start living the life you deserve.
Along the way, I felt compelled to share my findings with as many of you as possible via this blog. Everything you read on this blog is a little slice of us. Our thoughts, musings and direction that we're going in. It is right for us. But doesn't mean it's right for anyone else. We're all on our own journey in this thing called life. And this blog is our place to document said journey. Learning, questioning and musing as we go.
For a long time I've stayed quiet about the things I've learnt - things that made me question EVERYTHING I'd ever learned previously. I've had a lot of soul searching to do on a personal level. 2020 onwards has been quite the journey of learning, reading, going introspective. Quite often lonely. And like many, trying to make sense of concepts that I'd never heard of before. Questions about truths, the workings of the universe, the systems of the world, financial systems and our society and how remarkable our human body and mind actually is.
I studied a BSc in Psychology + Neuroscience so I guess you could say I've always been a bit of a nut when it comes to trying to understand human behaviour and the workings of the brain. I have always been in awe about how wonderful and simply magical (we / the universe) is. And I've also lived with depression, so know the power of the mind for bad (which really has been a 30 year battle of trying to fight / tame an out of control mind in an out of control world. A never ending fight of trying to be ok. Happy. And it's time to write about this / pour my heart out in writing and share things more. Writing has been cathartic. Learning and education is a gift. Knowledge is power. Staying open is my standpoint.
We will soon be starting a tour capturing the energy of people, with our Aura photography. Uprooting our whole lives in the UK to take a gap year initially, selling everything to start this new life in the sun. It has been a radical life change getting to this point and we still have a way to go before we are fully living the life we feel is truly meant for us, but we are on our way and the journey is all part of the end result.

Something that crops up time and time again, whilst speaking to people generally day to day about our plans is no awareness of some of the most fundamental things that make up literally EVERYTHING on / and in the world and the universe as a whole (which is ever expanding) so literally everything that ever has been, is, or will be. Phew!
I said this is an overview so I'll keep this post super simple and light hearted. With subjects that you can go down the rabbit hole with me on another time if you're into this kind of jam. I'm meeting so many friends through this blog - a little gang of like minded people, which is truly wonderful after feeling like an alien for most of my life.
We are all beings living on a planet we call Earth. Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun. Earth and everything on it is part of this thing we call The Universe. I'm not getting involved in the flat earth or spherical earth theory (It's round btw ;-) but I've also read very compelling research into the flat earth theory by some learned people that I respect, but my personal stand point on this - is that the Earth is Round).
Either viewpoint isn't important for The laws of the universe.

Everything in our universe vibrates at a micro-cellular level. Physical matter and non-physical (including thoughts) at sub-atomic level are pure energy. Nothing more / nothing less. And all this energy vibrates at different frequencies. (This concept alone is something we could write a whole book about but it's not meant to be all sciency - blog post ENERGY, particles, cells, protons, electrons deep dive).
Physical Matter + Non-Physical = energy. Energy = mass (matter) x the speed of light. Squared. You probably know this equation as E = mc2.
It's the world's most famous equation, but what does it really mean? E = mc2 "Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared." On the most basic level, the equation says that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same thing. Everything is energy. And Everything is always moving through spacetime.
Energy + Vibrations is one of the 12 laws of The Universe. And this brings us to laying some foundations behind the work that I do.
The 12 universal laws are thought to be intrinsic, unchanging laws of our universe that ancient cultures have always intuitively known. And quite likely you will intuitively know / feel some of them too. They are not taught in mainstream education. Nor touched on in society. Yet knowing them can have a deep effect on the quality of life, happiness, health on our consciousness and sub-conscious level and so much more. Most of us are familiar with the physical laws - the laws of nature - scientific laws - as these laws are are taught to us in Science class at school from an early age (Gravity, Newtonian perspectives Newton’s three Laws of Motion etc).
A physical law, scientific law, or a law of nature is a scientific generalisation based on empirical observations of physical behaviour.
They deal with physical interactions happening in this world. Physical laws are conclusions based on observations and experiments over a long period and validated by the scientific community. And deemed as fact. These include the law of gravity, Newton’s three laws of motion, the ideal gas laws, Mendel’s laws, the laws of supply etc.
But what about the laws that govern the Universe?
How many universal laws are there?
Originally there were thought to be 7 universal laws. The Universal laws were first listed in the book of secrets and mysterious teachings, the Kybalion, published in 1908. This book on Hermetic philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece - and the Kybalion details 7 laws of the Universe. Later on, many authors have published their versions and lists of Universal laws over the years. (my post on THE KYBALION, hermetic principles, history deep dive, further reading will be here soon). As our limited understanding of the Universe and it's workings increase, so does the universal laws list.
There are thought to be 12 fundamental universal laws.
What are the 12 universal laws of The Universe:
Here's an introduction to the themes and underpinnings of each law. And in brief I'll touch on how to apply each law to improve our life and collective consciousness below each.
Applying these laws to your life today can literally change our lives for the better and in an instant. I'll add more detailed posts about each law over the following days. Don't forget to sign up to our newsletter to follow our journey and get New Post Alerts if you like my content.
The 12 Laws of The Universe:
1: The Law of Divine Oneness
Deals with the interrelated nature of everything / everyone. It forms the foundation of all other laws. And it's perhaps is the trickiest to grasp (for me anyway - I'm not religious or easily indoctrinated into a way of thinking. I have my own business so no boss telling me when / where / how to do things. I don't watch the news so am not easily controlled by fear and suggestion. I marvelled at space and the universe but purely from what I'd been taught about it by a system that I later learned doesn't want us to know some things but picks and chooses what it does want us to know. A societal system that focuses on materialism and separatism. And so, this law went against everything I thought I knew about the world and life - as an educated girl of science). If you can get your head around this law as a concept, the rest of the universal laws flow freely. I trained in Reiki recently too, which changed how I saw (and felt with my own hands) the powerful electromagnetic energy that is around us, that we can't see with our eyes, but is there. This definitely helped me broaden my perspective. And gave me an understanding of the connectedness of things and people.
The law of Divine Oneness deals with the interrelated-ness of everything. Every human on the planet and everything is connected in the world we live in. (my post on QUANTUM PHYSICS, Quantum Entanglement for newbies or idiots will be linked here soon). All energy, matter, space, and time are one. It requires a shift in the way we may have been brought up in our busy, modern life, of every man for himself mentality. But it is this law that is the most important foundation to grasp that all other laws are built on. It also requires a deep dive in the relativity of time (Einstein), Quantum Physics and what matter and thus energy actually is.
Everything and everyone is connected to each other on a conscious and subconscious level. Because we are all energy vibrating at frequencies. The life force of all things forms a universal mind energy or collective consciousness. And this mind energy is again vibrating at frequency.
Every thought, word, or action of ours will take effect on others. To understand The Law of Divine Oneness a little bit more. Strip back the man made titles and boundaries that we were born into or those that we've given ourselves: are you male or female? Strip that back. Are you a daughter a son. A brother a sister. A wife a husband? Strip that back. What is your cultural standing, racial standing, social standing? Strip that all away from yourself. Take all of these things away from who you are and what makes you you and look at yourself as a human being at the atomic level of what really makes you you. And this is - Energy vibrating at a frequency. Our cells are made of Atoms. Atoms are made of Protons Electrons and a nucleus but 99.999999% of each and every atom is made of pure space or energy. Energy is constantly moving, vibrating at different frequencies. It is the vibrational frequency as human beings and our collective consciousness that is connected / the divine oneness.
How to apply the law of divine oneness:
From a purely physical perspective: kindness. If we are connected to each other. It is easier to be kind to one another. We can be kinder and more compassionate to ourselves. We can be kinder, more compassionate to others by recognising that we are one.
From a vibrational perspective: The emotion of love is one of the highest vibrational frequencies. If you feel love, you vibrate higher. So when you practice love, kindness and compassion to yourself (Self Love) you are operating at a high vibration. This has a two pronged effect. It helps you be a kinder, more compassionate person to others from a purely physical stand point. Being this way to others, impacts their life. It makes you feel better. It's just a nicer way to live.
More interestingly, from a subatomic level, the structure of cells in the body, vibrate highly. You'll have probably heard the saying 'high vibrations' this is exactly that - our energy is vibrating high. The electrons in each and every cell in your body and the things that you touch and impact are literally whizzing, whirling and wooshing around at a super high frequency. And this is the way you'll want to live if you want to feel happy and manifest more of the good stuff into your life. This is why practicing gratitude, and feeling that tingly ball of love/good vibes in the belly makes us vibrate highly.
When you encounter negative people or situations, try not to take their negativity into your own life and thoughts. Looking at it from an energetic level only - Taking on this negative energy affects your own energy. Awareness in the present moment by focusing your attention away from them and placing it somewhere else. Meditation, yoga, energy cleansers all help clear negative energy and focus the mind on the pure present. Pure consciousness. Helping the collective one consciousness of the world. Which affects everything / everyone. The benefit for you: a nicer, happier, less stressful life. Higher spiritual growth and a feeling of connectedness. Phewee. Well done, if you stuck with me this far you're doing great. From here the rest of the laws are easy.
2: The Law of Energy or Vibration
The Law of Vibration hinges on how everything in our universe vibrates at a micro-cellular level as touched on above. Everything is constantly moving in a circular way, never resting, vibrating. The vibrations are all very different.
Everything in the universe (matter (stuff) + thoughts) move in a circular manner, not only in the physical world but our thoughts and desires to move in a unique vibration frequency. Each thought and feeling has its own unique vibration pattern, and it will combine with those which possess identical vibration patterns.
You'll have heard people talk about high vibrations, vibrating at a high frequency, good vibrations, getting good vibes. High vibrations attract other highly vibrating emotions and physical things. If there is something you desire you are going to need your vibrational frequency to match that of the very thing you want. Our thoughts are connected to the rest of the universe, if you choose to have more good thoughts, more goodwill follows through.
Example: Everything in the world has a vibration. Good feelings such as love, or a positive attitude would create a higher vibration, whereas a negative attitude would produce a slower vibration. At an atomic level everything is constantly moving. Bashing against one another, these atoms are our vibrational energy source. Everything has its very own vibrational frequency and vibrations are attuned to other similar vibrations. Without the law of vibration, the law of attraction would become obsolete.
Without the knowledge of how vibrational energies works we wouldn’t be able to attract anything to us. The law of vibration can fully function on its own. But it pairs beautifully with the law of attraction. They go hand in hand. The Law of Attraction needs the Law of Vibration.
How to apply the law of energy or vibration:
The best way to use the law of vibration is to raise your own vibration frequency as much as you can in everyday life. The more time that you can spend in a high vibrational state, the better life will feel. And the easier manifesting will be. Most of the common methods out there are fairly simple, and just require a little dedication to placing them into your daily life. When life gets in the way, if you feel the need to get good vibes - elevate your frequency. There are lots of great practices to elevate one's frequency, including going for a walk in nature, grounding the feet barefoot to the earth (grass with no shoes or better yet my favourite - sandy toes), doing yoga, sound bathing, and chakra work all raise vibration. Mindful meditation, to bring our naughty busy minds back to balance is key. And if any of you struggle with meditating, let me know in the comments and I'll look at sharing my all time favourite guided meditation. I used to struggle with meditation as my mind was soooo busy. I had no control over it. It wandered and ran away with me at all times. Even when I tried to bring it back to centre. I was a hopeless case. But I have found a wonderful way of starting a meditation that gets my mind in check allowing me to get to that sweet spot where the magic happens.
3: The Law of Action
This is based on the notion that actions = results. Which of course we know to be true. But in life we may be putting in the wrong actions based on having the wrong thoughts. Each action would provide a different result, which is mostly based on thoughts, words, dreams, or emotions. We must select an action that solely supports our thoughts, words, dreams, or emotions. And the actions we selected must be supporting your thoughts and dreams which will help you accomplish your goal.
So for example: Avoiding a problem will never work. By taking small actions this is sufficient to make the problem slowly but surely go away. The more discipline you apply to yourself to take action with the bigger things in life, the small things will take care of themselves. And it starts with ourselves. Working on ourselves (by taking action) is the best thing we can do to completely u-turn our life (if we are not getting the results we would like).
How to apply the law of action:
By changing the way you see things, taking on the ideas of Divine Oneness + practising gratitude, raising our vibration and frequency that we live on day to day. So by taking a mindset of "It's happening for you, not to you." If things are happening for you and the results are not desirable, then it is through action that you change these results to to more favourable or better ones. If things are happening to you, then we become a victim, with no control over taking action and thus results. Just thought alone, of removing this victim mentality or way of seeing things, can change the outlook, to inspire action. If you are feeling fearful or worried, you are thinking thoughts of fear and worry which then motions fear and worry, these feelings will bring about action of.... you guessed it.... more fear + worry. It is this action that then becomes that feeling or thought and this forms a cycle. Thoughts = motion = action = the way life is. Whether this is good or bad. It all starts with the way you see things and think, the way you perceive those things.
The vibrational energy of those thoughts and feelings impact the physical realty of those feelings coming to reality. By working on our inner state (our thoughts + feelings) puts into motion a series of actions that will be better than by not working on our inner state. All of this knowledge helps us understand and think differently. This inner state does have an action for which we move nicely into the law of correspondence. Although I am writing here about the Laws of The Universe, you may notice that they all apply to us and our thoughts. Hold on to that thought as we continue on.....
4: The Law of Correspondence
This law states that our internal environment reflects our external environment. Our external lives are a reflection of whats going on inside of us. How we are feeling is what we are manifesting which means that what we are experiencing now is a result of who we felt in the past. But we are in control of our life, the law of action allows us to make changes. Every action we make will be reflected in our outer world to our inner world, which is especially significant for thoughts. The quotes "As within so without" and "As above, so below" relate specifically to The Law of Correspondence.
For example: If your mind is so concentrated on how unhappy you are, you’ll continue to have negative energy, which will make you remain unhappy. Because of this law, we can find ourselves in a cycle of repeating the same things over and over again.

How to apply the law of correspondence:
It all comes down to seIf awareness. If you notice a reoccurring pattern in your life, focus on changing your reactions to change an emotion. If you notice that your thoughts are not high vibe thoughts (love, joy, gratitude, thankfulness) change them to find an alternative thought process. Your focus and attention matters; your intention matters.
5: The Law of Cause and Effect
Nothing ever happens in life by chance, accident or luck. It was Aristotle that philosophised that everything happens for a reason, whether we know it at the time or not. Quite often it's only later that we realise. It is each of thoughts, behaviours and actions that creates a reaction that follows.
For example: Every action will have a reaction. Every effect has a specific cause or causes. According to Newton’s Third Law, for every action, there will be an equal and opposite reaction, whether that's a physical reaction, verbal, or mental. Every statement made will be followed with a comment or a reply, thus a perfect example of action and reaction.
How to apply the law of cause and effect:
Trust that every action will have a reaction, whether that's good or bad. The vibration of the energy that you put out, has a ripple effect. If you're coming from a place of negativity, contaminating the environment with this negative energy, then you will affected as a result. If you know this information, and we have freedom of thought then we are free to choose to change our thoughts and energy to more high vibrational thoughts. This in turn will directly take effect.
6: The Law of Compensation
Comes after the Law of Cause and Effect where blessing has come into our lives through various forms such as gifts, money, friendship, etc. You may have heard this being referred to as 'you get what you give'. Your income you earn today is your compensation for what you have done in the past. It's as though input and output are closely correlated on a mathematical table.
For example: You get what you give, or in another word, Karma. Whenever someone smiles, your mood instantly changes. Be the giver or the one who turns someone's day around. Be generous and donate what you have, and those things will come back to you in various forms.
How to apply the law of compensation:
To work with this law in a manner that compensates for love and support, for example, ask yourself, "Where can I support, give to others today?" Not necessarily financial but through random acts of kindness, helping someone, holding a door open, paying someone a genuine compliment, encouraging someone. For happiness, fill your mind with thoughts of happiness, optimism and success to be compensated with positive experiences in your daily life. At the very worst you'll feel better about yourself and sleep soundly knowing you've been the best version of yourself on that day. But you are increasing your vibration which in turn helps every single Law of The Universe. Wait for The Law of Compensation to work it's magic.
7: The Law of Attraction
The most well known of the Laws. The law of attraction relates to manifesting and attracting things our way through the way we think, feel and act. If you vibrate highly you can literally act like a magnet, and nothing is out of bounds.
I read the book by Rhonda Byrne in 2010 ish and felt like I understood The Secret. But manifesting is so much more than applying feeling to imagination. Some people can manifest easily, others need a real shift in mindset. This Law introduces things, people, or events into our lives by our actions, thoughts, or emotions. All these thoughts are energies that we use to attract more energy. Like attracts like. By producing positive energy will attract other positive energy. The law brings people with similar interests together. Living in a high vibrational state and being clear on what you want through asking and actions is key to applying the law.
How to apply the law of attraction:
Focus on what you desire, as though you have it already. Feel it in your tummy and feel those excited warm lovely feelings that come with it. Be playful with imagining every aspect of what it is you want. Come at this from the view of abundance (you already have it) and how wonderful that feels. And be grateful for it. The feelings of gratitude and love trump all feelings when it comes to using The Law of Attraction to attract the life of your dreams. If you want love but do not give love, for example, you're sending the universe a message about what you really want. Put out what you want to receive. If you repeat an affirmation but don't believe what you're saying, it's useless. When we focus on what we want versus what we don't want, it will show up in our life. There are no limits to peoples manifesting outcomes.
8: The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Energy is can not be created or destroyed. It is always moving and transmuting, constantly evolving and changing from one form to another. The Universal Law states that we possess the power to change the conditions of our lives through transmuting energy time and time again, throughout every minute of every day. Higher vibration consumes and transforms lower vibrations, so we are able to change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws above. Understand them to fully understand the power of energy. Working with energy sometimes literally feels like doing magic.
How to apply the law of perpetual transmutation of energy:
Knowing this law and all of the other laws of the universe, we can actively seek to uplift the negative energy around us through positive thoughts and actions. Be mindful, notice when a negative thought crops up and work to question it, change it, swap it. Be present in the now by meditating. Healthy lifestyle naturally allows the body to live in a high vibrational state. Exercise, healthy food, breathing well, getting enough sleep all help in maintaining a positive high vibe. If we have a bad day, it's not the end of the road. We get to go again the next day and change that energy until living in a high vibrational state becomes the norm. Work at changing that 'glass half empty' to 'glass half full' state of mind because you can. Through the Law of Transmutation.
9: The Law of Relativity
Everything is relative to something else. Life is a series of obstacles and challenges that we need to experience to grow. In order for us to develop and grow, we have to go through a series of problems, and endure while remaining connected to our hearts. These challenges can really test us. And may crop up time and time again (like a pattern) because we need to learn from them. This law also teaches us to compare our problems with other people’s problems, to put them into perspective. And how we give meaning to our problems is ultimately down to how we perceive them. Come at any obstacle the from a relative point of view. No matter how difficult the situation might be, there will always be someone else in the worst position.
For example: We face many problems daily, when really these problems are made bigger in our minds than their true nature. Relativism exists in all things. Things are neither bad or good, that's how we label things based on our learned behaviours and world. Rather things are neutral and it's how we give it meaning.
How to apply the law of relativity:
Applying this law can help us understand the tougher parts of our lives with greater compassion. If we're feeling ungrateful for our financial situation or living situation, it could be because we're comparing ourselves with someone else's situation.
Instead, we'd be better off appreciating what we have by practicing gratitude without needing to compare it to someone else. By looking in on the Law of relativity, it allows self awareness and a learning to occur that allows us to grow and live in higher states. By understanding that from a different viewpoint a problem or obstacle isn't so bad, we can then work out how best to work through the issue for personal, spiritual growth. When we look at things from a relative point of view we can keep everything in perspective and move through whatever life is passing our way.
10: The Law of Polarity
This law states that everything has an opposite. And these opposites are at other ends of the scale if we were to put them on a spectrum. Polarity shows us that these opposites even though are on other ends of the spectrum, they are not always good/bad but can be complimentary and work together. Such as Yin + Yang, Masculine / Feminine. Polarity allows
Example: If we have not gone through sadness, we would not know what happiness feels like.
How to apply the law of polarity:
Use the law of polarity to make changes on the same scale. If you're facing a difficult situation like a breakup or a health challenge, for example, tune into what the opposite looks like, which can reveal a new perspective. Because everything has an opposite. If you are fed up and hopeless focus thoughts on the opposite end of the pole. Focus on thoughts of happiness and hope, knowing that they exist and are there. They may be out of reach right now, but by directing awareness and focus to the poles, it is possible to change perspective. Failure to success. Fear to courage or bravery. Poverty to prosperity. They all exist with varying degrees of variation in-between. And because they exist we can learn to master polarisation by thought alone through meditation.
11: The Law of Rhythm
All energy vibrates at a certain speed & rhythm. Everything has a cycle and stages of development. From the Tides to the rhythm of the earth and moon. The sunrise and sunset are all in their own rhythm. Our own bodies, moods and systems are all on a cycle and in rhythm. Mastery of rhythm allows us to live in balance and harmony in our own lives. Living in harmony is the best way to maintain a high vibe.
The only way to master each rhythm is by facing the negative part of each cycle. When we live in disharmony it can sometimes feel like things are out of control. But just knowing the Law of Rhythm tells us that things will and can go back to rhythm. Through polarity.
How to apply the law of rhythm:
Take note of your inner rhythms and try to work with them instead of fighting them. Feel the emotion, give yourself a little bit of what you need / self care. Feeling tired and run down? Maybe it's time to give yourself some rest. At this point in the rhythm taking rest will keep your vibe high, instead of powering through. Understand that on the scales on the rhythm, opposite ends and in the middle, you can choose to stay at the optimum rhythm by simply holding your attention and intention to not letting the polarity of the rhythm affect you or bring your vibe down.
12: The Law of Gender
According to the Universal Law, everything in our universe has its masculine (yang) and scared feminine (yin) principles. People, things, thoughts, atoms all have feminine and masculine energies. A new atom is birthed through a meeting and attraction of the feminine electron and masculine proton. When the feminine electron unites with a masculine proton, the creative process begins. The feminine particles vibrate rapidly under the influence of masculine energy, and circle rapidly around the latter. This combination of feminine and masculine work together in creation. This marriage creates light, heat, electricity, magnetism, attraction, repulsion, chemical affinity, gravity. Everything in the organic life has this marriage of The female creator with the physical energy of the masculine. Exactly like in the procreation of life.

For example: The masculine is always present in the feminine form and the feminine always present in the masculine form. Masculine qualities are energy, logic, and intellect, the physical whereas feminine qualities are love, patience, gentleness, intuition, spiritual. There must be a balance between both masculine and feminine. Both feminine and masculine are dependants on each other.
Divine Feminine Energy - Feminine energy is giving, passive, receptive and inward flowing. It is creative, empathic, compassionate, collaborative and intuitive right-brained thinking. In terms of electromagnetism, feminine energy is the electrical side. The minus sign on a battery, or negative on the poll of electricity (cathode). Feminine energy is the personality, emotions and the unconscious mind.
Divine Masculine Energy - Masculine energy is taking, action oriented and outward flowing. It is intelligent, logical, rational and linear left-brained thinking. In terms of electromagnetism, masculine energy is the magnetic side. The plus sign on a battery, or positive on the poll of electricity. Masculine energy is the power of will, determination and the conscious mind.
How to apply the law of gender:
Achieve your own balance between the divine masculine and divine feminine energies in order to live more authentically. Each individual should aim to find balance between the masculine and feminine energies to become a Master in flow and ease.
The takeaway
And there you have it: a foundational post about the 12 universal laws. Theres a lot of information, especially if you're new to the concepts. The way I see it is that everybody is on their own journey. And just by being aware of the concepts alone, gives you the option to apply them to the day to day. Knowledge - understanding - applying - which allows us to master the balance of life on higher levels. Ignoring the ways the Universe works results in an imbalance in our lives and the world around us. This may lead to chaos, suffering, illness, disease. In my case a lifetime of depression.
The Universe has an inherent ability to restore the balance. To help it along, knowing this knowledge is what allows us to make adjustments in behaviour. You may have heard the saying 'thoughts become things'. I had no idea how true this was. But you can't change your thoughts without having a basic knowledge. In time I'll add more in depth posts which I hope you'll read along. For years I'd known about The Secret / The Laws of Attraction / and Manifesting. With some success, but life being as busy as it is for all of us. My focus was more on the material world that we see. What if there was a way to get our thoughts in such order. So that only the good thoughts become things? It became a journey of discovery for me. That lead to applying. That lead to creating a fulfilled and abundant life.
Knowing the Universal laws was my first step into the workings of just how powerful thoughts can be.
If you liked this post about The Universal Laws, or found it helpful in any way - please share it and drop me a comment. I LOVE reading them. If this has opened a rabbit hole for you... I have so much more to share. Subscribe to our newsletter for more ways to manifest, improve life, wellbeing, health and learn about all the stuff I think we should be being taught in school.
I want to share my findings and work in energy and Universal Laws to help as many of you guys as possible to live better. I love learning and love self development. I lived with depression for quite a lot of my adult life. Hardly living, just existing and going through the throws of life. It didn't need to be like this.
Books below that Changed My Life during my own Spiritual Awakening: (I will add to this list as I continue on my own spiritual awakening books that I have found have helped me. Please comment if you know of any books not on this list for me to read). (Note: this page contains affiliate links - If you buy from this affiliate link this means—at zero cost to you—I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. Thank you for your support!)
BREAKING THE HABIT OF BEING YOURSELF - Joe Dispenza - As part of my healing journey before the spiritual awakening happened. I healed myself from a lifelong battle with depression and thoughts of suicide. This book saved my life. And was what started me on a very quick healing journey (practically overnight, but certainly within 1 month of doing his suggested meditations), with what followed a spiritual awakening.
The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy - Whether you’re new to spiritual exploration or have been on a path of self-discovery for years, Kabalian is a thought-provoking and transformative guide for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of life, spirituality, and personal growth.
A Course In Miracles - A Combined Volume CURRENTLY READING
The Neville Goddard Deluxe Collection: All 14 Books By A New Thought Pioneer. - This changed how I manifested and was one of the best things I've ever read on manifestation with proven results.
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And always leave a comment below if this page has helped you. I only write and share stuff on the blog to help. So let me know. Does it help? Did you get something from it? And what do you want to know going forward? I am at your service, Fletchy McFletchface xx