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My Eco-Friendly Homemade Kangen Water Cleaning Spray

Eco-Friendly Homemade Kangen Water Cleaning Spray for kitchen / bathroom / all purpose / everything / the world!

My friend has a Kangen Water machine and it's so good. I'm seriously interested in getting one for myself once we have our permanent base in Bali. A perk of being a friend of someone that sells these machines, is that she let's me fill up my re-fillable cleaning bottles from her machine to make my own eco friendly cleaning sprays. This ones so easy and works - that I wanted to share on the blog for anybody that's wanting to ditch the chemicals. But doesn't want to pay through the nose for fancy eco sprays. So lets' dive in to my versatile spray that will keep you coming back from more. You'll never buy chemical based cleaning stuff again! Use as an all purpose cleaner to get your home sparkling fresh. Add a few drops of your favourite essential oils to make your home smell divine. I love the positivity of palo santo. Open the windows, do a sage cleanse and wipe skirting boards down and door frames to freshen up the whole room and rid the room of stagnant energy.

Kangen Water, known for its alkaline properties, can be a great base for a cleaning spray. Here's a simple recipe to create an eco-friendly cleaning spray for your kitchen worktops using Kangen Water. Kangen water can be beneficial for cleaning for several reasons:

  1. Alkalinity: The higher pH of Kangen water can help break down acidic stains and grime, making it effective for cleaning surfaces.

  2. Natural Degreaser: Alkaline water can help emulsify fats and oils, making it easier to clean greasy kitchen surfaces and cookware.

  3. Non-Toxic: Kangen water is free from harsh chemicals, making it a safer option for households, especially with children and pets.

  4. Enhanced Absorption: The smaller water clusters in Kangen water may help it penetrate surfaces better, improving cleaning efficiency.

  5. Versatility: Kangen water can be used on various surfaces, including countertops, floors, and appliances, making it a multifunctional cleaning solution.

  6. Eco-Friendly: Using Kangen water reduces the need for commercial cleaning products, leading to less chemical waste and a lower environmental impact.


  • 1 cup Kangen Water (strong alkaline water)

  • 1 cup distilled white vinegar

  • 10 drops of essential oil (such as lemon, tea tree, or lavender for antibacterial properties)

  • A clean spray bottle


  1. Combine Ingredients: In a bowl or directly in the spray bottle, mix 1 cup of Kangen Water and 1 cup of distilled white vinegar.

  2. Add Essential Oils: Add 10 drops of your chosen essential oil to the mixture. I use Palo Santo - my all time fave smell. This adds a pleasant scent and enhances cleaning power.

  3. Mix: If using a bowl, stir the mixture gently. If in a spray bottle, cap it and shake gently to combine.

  4. Label: Use a label or marker to note the contents and date on your spray bottle.

  5. Use: Spray the mixture directly onto your kitchen worktops. Wipe down with a clean cloth or sponge.

And because I can't get enough of the worktop spray. I made a floor one too that levaes floors sparkling, fresh and chemical free!

Eco-Friendly Floor Cleaner Recipe

This floor cleaner is safe for most surfaces and effective for regular cleaning.


  • 1 gallon of hot water

  • 1 cup of distilled white vinegar

  • 1 cup of Kangen Water (strong alkaline water)

  • 10 drops of essential oil (optional, e.g., peppermint or eucalyptus for a fresh scent)


  1. Prepare the Mixture: In a large bucket, combine 1 gallon of hot water, 1 cup of distilled white vinegar, and 1 cup of Kangen Water.

  2. Add Essential Oils: If desired, add 10 drops of your chosen essential oil. This will provide a refreshing scent and additional cleaning properties.

  3. Mix: Stir the solution gently to combine.

  4. Mop the Floor: Dip a mop into the mixture, wring it out to remove excess water, and mop your floors as usual.

  5. Allow to Dry: Let the floor air dry. Enjoy the fresh, clean scent!


  • Always test any cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure compatibility with your surfaces.

  • Store your cleaning spray in a cool, dark place to maintain its effectiveness.

  • For added disinfecting power, you can leave the vinegar out and add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to the floor cleaner (mix well) for a bubbly reaction that enhances cleaning!

I can't take full credit for these recipes as my friend passed them on to me. But I love them and they're too good to keep to myself now that I've found them!

These eco-friendly cleaning solutions are not only effective but also safe for you and the environment. Enjoy your clean kitchen and floors!

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Hey you! My name is Fletch, a Northern girl from the UK, living with the love of my life (aka Mr Be Nothing Like) and our 2 children, Lilly + Bertie Boo. We're about to embark on some big life moves, selling our things to move to the other side of the world, Bali, Indonesia to live a high vibe life of our dreams. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business (which runs passively), while researching on Instagram what to make for dinner. And at home (as I really am a home girl), world schooling my children, doing yoga, meditating, being in nature. I created this blog to share everything I have learnt about creating a freedom life. A life of your dreams, through harnessing energy + vibration to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, successful and free. A life you deserve. A life that you love. There is another way. I'm sharing everything that I know.

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