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How to Use Sage Effectively - To cleanse your Aura or Space

I'm an avid sager. There I said it.

Like a good cup of tea solves everything. A good old sage cleanse can really sort everything. I live by this. Smudging or cleansing can transform a space and the direction you're going in or not. If you are feeling stuck. If things aren't going right. If you're feeling off. I will tell you this here now. A sage cleanse should be the first thing I would recommend for you to do. Mixing up the energy of a space or the energy field around you is the first thing you can do to help yourself.

I can tell when friends are in need of a good old saging. I just want to grab my stick and go to work on them. Whether it's themselves or their environment: their house / space. I can see it from a mile off. And I can feel stagnant or stuck energy. I see aura's you see so I can see when the energy field of a person is dim, sluggish or has holes in it. Or when they have blockages and really just need to STOP EVERYTHING they are doing and sage cleanse. It's easier with friends. I wish I could do this to everybody in the whole world. The world would be a better place.

In the past I'd never say anything like this because I wasn't so confident in who I was. My general witchyness. And seeing people's Aura's and stuff, kind of made me feel like I was from another planet. I just felt weird. But now as I start to embrace this side of myself, I'm starting to speak 'my truth' as it's called in the spiritual market - and I'm here to help anybody that feels stuck. I started a YouTube Channel to start getting used to seeing myself, and seeing myself for who I really was (please go subscribe). I work with peoples energy every day as a transmitter and now doing posts like these, even if they only reach a few people, I'm here for it and will keep writing posts that will find the right people that need them. If this is you, read on and check out my video on how to sage cleanse. It's very simple to do.

Sage cleansing or sage smudging are two of essentially the same thing. Think of literally cleansing an area. Cleaning the energy if you will. Neutralising it. That's what sage can do. You can then bring in other things that will increase the energy or vibration. Things for positivity. But let's start with the basics. A good old sage cleanse. Sage is a powerful tool to use to clear or cleanse the energy of a space. Smudging is the same thing - like smudging or rubbing out with an eraser or rubber if you're in the UK. They are both done in the same way. Different names to make it feel inaccessible to the normal person. What is a smudge? Am I doing it right? Is it the same as a sage cleanse? Argggh. If you smudge with sage then also smudge with Palo Santo for a double effect then wow! Think of it this way: The Sage will neutralise the stagnant / negative energy whilst the palo will purify it with positive goodness. And if you're really into this, add selenite crystal to cement all of the good stuff. A trio of tools to work with clearing negative, bringing in the good.

How to use sage effectively properly to cleanse

Sage cleansing is for everybody. And is something you'll want to do daily / weekly / definitely monthly if you are an energetic being (which we are) living in a world/universe that is built on nothing but pure energy (which we are). Are you starting to see how important these things can be. And to think they sounded so wacky to me back then.

When life get's hectic and busy there is little time for ourself. Sitting quietly with ourselves to rebalance our energy. This is the same for the space we live in. Energy can become stagnant and stuck. It's not to say that the energy is negative, although negative energy is a 'thing', but more that the energy is just stuck. It becomes slow, laggy and still. You will notice how a Spring clean instantly transforms the feel of a room. Move a chair out of a corner, hoover behind it and get that energy moving. It works in the same way. Wafting energy around, clearing it and neutralising it to then bring in the good, then new, the fresh.

You might look crazy wafting around like some kind of witchy wafter, but when you feel the benefits you stop caring. It can feel strange when doing something you've never done before , but the below videos will help you see ho easy it is to light the sage and start cleansing.

How to Sage Cleanse?

Step 1. Light the sage. The best thing about sage is that you can light it over and over again. I keep mine until they're tiny little stumps. But here we start with a full 15cm Californian white sage stick. That can be lit over a candle or a long match. Sage takes a little while to catch light so you'll need a long flame. Rotate the sage stick over the flame until it catches light, turning and rotating so it's caught.

Step 2. Once caught extinguish / blow out. You don't want your stick on fire, it's the smoke that you'll use to cleanse. Don't go wafting a lit sage stick around - you'll set the house on fire or worse your hair - and that is definitely some bad energy right there.

Step 3. Use the smoke to cleanse. With the sage stick smouldering a beautiful smoke. Use this smoke to cleanse the energy around your body or in a space. Move the smoke around the lengths of your arms, down the arm, down the next arm, over and around the head, down leg 1, down leg 3, around the torso. For a space you can move around walls, doors, corners, as though you are outlining the room. You don't have to cover every bit of space. The particles find their way to fill the whole room anyhow. I'll do a full video of a typical body aura cleanse and space cleanse. Tip: carry a bowl around with you when cleansing a space as the sage will drop ash.

Light - extinguish - use the smoke to cleanse.

Why use sage?

What is a sage cleanse?

Who can use sage?

What is energy?

Why moving energy can help?

When should you sage? Whenever and wherever you feel like you need to. Some examples of when you would want to sage cleanse

  • Staying in a hotel room - sage the room. Other people have brought their energetic print into the room and whilst you're in this room you take on that energy. If you're sensitive you will feel it. Neutralise it. I travel with a stick of sage now. No lie, I have it in my bag like a lipstick. Then I whip it out quickly. Nobody even has to know. And we're going to London this weekend, staying over in hotel with the kids, watching Disney's Frozen at The Theatre Royal. You can bet your bottom dollar I'll be saging the hotel room before we move our energy in there. The bell boy doesn't need to know about it. It'll just happen discretely when Fletchy's around.

  • Moving into a new home - sage the whole house. Open doors and windows. Sage doorways and the corners of the room. Outline the walls. You will neutralise the energy of the new home and make it ready for your family. Do this when tradespeople have been in too. Energetically speaking they bring all their shit into the space, theyre usually stressed out working to deadlines, managing multiple workloads and brigning all this into your space. Neutralise it. There might be money issues in paying them / or their own money issues from job to job. Just sage it. I recently had a friend that had money problems on a high pressured project but was mid way through a renovation project that had to be finished. Things were said between her builders and herself and some things not said - it doesn't matter the energy was still there. It was causing tension in the house. The first thing I mentioned for her to do was to flippin well sage that house after the builders had been in. She did. And was blown away by the changes. I was like derrr hello of course! But you only know what you know. You work with the energy first in a physical way. Saging is simple and perfect for doing this. Best of all we can all do it. You don't need to be witchy at all.

  • When you've been out - sage yourself particularly important if you are an empath or sensitive to energy and vibrations (you'll know if you are).

  • When someone has visited your house - sage it when they've left to dispel move anything they've brought in with them to get your space back to an equilibrium.

Would you like to see a video of me doing a full body sage cleanse / or a full; house sage cleanse? Let me know in the comments.

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Hey you! My name is Fletch, a Northern girl from the UK, living with the love of my life (aka Mr Be Nothing Like) and our 2 children, Lilly + Bertie Boo. We're about to embark on some big life moves, selling our things to move to the other side of the world, Bali, Indonesia to live a high vibe life of our dreams. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business (which runs passively), while researching on Instagram what to make for dinner. And at home (as I really am a home girl), world schooling my children, doing yoga, meditating, being in nature. I created this blog to share everything I have learnt about creating a freedom life. A life of your dreams, through harnessing energy + vibration to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, successful and free. A life you deserve. A life that you love. There is another way. I'm sharing everything that I know.

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