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Best sun lip protectant - Elizabeth Arden SPF15 Lip Protectant for Cold Sores & premature ageing

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Do you suffer from coldsores like me? I completely feel your pain. From the age of 11 I've had a face full of cold sores whenever the sun shows it's face. Or if i'm run down, it's one of the first signs. It's no fun. They hurt and look so ugly. They made me feel self conscious.

And the best cure is prevention.

I'm pleased to say that I've found the best product to stop these horrors taking hold. This is my favourite product, read on. I'm not usually a reviewer, but when I find a good product I will shout it from the rooftops. And this is one of those products. This is the only product I've found that I stick to and swear by that seriously does stop cold sores from ever appearing. I think it's pretty much down to it's SPF qualities, and in theory I guess any daily SPF could work but when you find a product that works, it's scary to stop using it. If it works it works.

We all know that we should wear SPF (sun protection factor) everyday on our skin right, even on a cloudy day in the UK? Our face and lips are exposed to so much Ultra violet (UV) light from the sun every single day, 365 days a year. But did you know that we should be protecting our lips daily too with a sun lip protectant stick with SPF in it? Even in the drab UK greyness.

In this lip spf article we:

  • list the best sun lip protectant sticks on the market

  • that will protect your lips from premature ageing, cold sores and keep them healthy and hydrated all year round

  • and discuss the benefits of using a lip protector all year & not just in the sun

UVA can cause premature ageing around the lips (so think fine lines around the lip edge or lip line) as well as UVB, which causes the burning. Not such a biggie when it's cloudy - I hear you say? Well it doesn't exactly work like that. The sun can cause serious premature ageing all year round.

Some of the best advice my mum ever gave me when I was around 14 years old was about UVA & UVB's and the importance of sun protection for the skin. My mum's got fantastic skin and she's 55.

And now I'm older, I'm so glad she passed on her wisdom. And more so, that I followed through on her advice on using SPF everyday on my face.

For many years however, I didn't use a SPF lip protector. And I suffered horrendously for years with cold sores. I'd used Zovirax and at one stage had a prescription product from the doctors. But these didn't prevent the cold sore from coming, they just made recovery quicker and less painful and helped with the 'takeover'. I didn't put two together that using an SPF could put a stop to the cold sores. I just suffered on. As the years went on, and I travelled more - it clicked. Using an SPF protector on my lips, not only protected my lips from premature ageing, but protected them from the dreaded tingle onset of a cold sore.

I suffer from cold sores and feel the tingle as soon as I'm in the sun. Before I found this item, I suffered it out using a regular lip protector, but as I got older, the outbreaks were severe and never ending. It made me self conscious as the sores can get quite ugly. It stops me from kissing my kiddywinkies, because cold sores are super contagious, I don't want them catching the virus and having cold sores for the rest of their lives. I was conscious of sharing cups, towels and anything else that the rest of the family will use. Anyone who suffers with cold sores will know it's a BIND!

Once one cold sore was on it's way out another was tingling ready to appear. I don't go anywhere now without a lip protector. I use one daily when I'm in the UK like you would a daily lip balm, with my make up. I have used many SPF lip creams and protectors but this is my top 5 of the best ones out there.

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  1. Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick SPF 15 - click to compare prices + order from Amazon. This sun protector has Sun Protection Factor 15 SPF15 and is available in a number of colours. I've used the clear and the blush Sheer Tinted. I use this as a daily lip balm to stop me getting cold sores on holiday and it's absolutely flippin amazing. The picture below is of me on a recent holiday to Mexico wearing the Elizabeth Arden sun lip protectant. You can see it gives a beautiful healthy pink lip colour. And the tinted Berry shade is a bright sheer pink, so no need to wear lipstick at all. It gives a natural pink colour to lips and protects from the sun whilst it's at it.

wearing berry shade here. You can see it's subtle but a really nice juicy pink colour. once the balm moisture has dried out and you're ready to re-apply (like in this picture) you're still left with a nice lip stain. That pretty much lasts all day or until you wash it off.

I don't wear make up on the beach, but a little bit of lip tint looks pretty and is doing my lips good. I don't get a single cold sore now. And I know it's because of this lip tint, because I ran out towards the end of my last holiday to Mexico. And guess what happened? Yep I got a cold sore! So, I'm never getting complacent again and I'll be carrying two of my all time favourite lip savers.

The Cons:

  • Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant cream sun lip protector does have a slight chemical taste, but clearly I don't plan to lick my lip balm off. And I'm happy with it so long as it keeps the dreaded cold sores away.

  • It's pricey. The Elizabeth Arden lip protector comes in at no less that £20 in stores (cheaper via Amazon but make sure you buy from an approved seller to make sure you're getting the real product). I think that any SPF lip protector would actually probably work, but after years of pain and cold sore hell - I've finally found something that works and stops these blighters - and I'm not willing to risk changing it.

I am not without this product EVER. This is not an ad but a personal review of a product I love and use daily.

WINNER The Number 1 best sun lip protector / protection lipstick out there - Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream

Treats your lips to Eight Hour® Care. Helps moisturise, soften and smooth lips. Relieves chapping and cracking. Helps guard against the damaging effects of UV exposure with SPF 15.

How to use Step One - Smooth stick over lips whenever needed. Wear alone or under lipstick.

I buy it from Amazon as it's often the best price. Shops sell for around £20 but you'll typically find prices between £12-£15 over on Amazon which I think is amazing for what this product does. Link to buy Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Lip Protector here

Please comment and let me know how you get on with using this. So many of my friends have tried this and really love it. I don't want to sound dramatic but it has changed my life. I'm no longer dreading that tingle. And then waiting for the onslaught of sores to take over my face when I'm run down. If you have an awesome alternative let me know.

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Hey you! My name is Fletch, a Northern girl from the UK, living with the love of my life (aka Mr Be Nothing Like) and our 2 children, Lilly + Bertie Boo. We're about to embark on some big life moves, selling our things to move to the other side of the world, Bali, Indonesia to live a high vibe life of our dreams. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business (which runs passively), while researching on Instagram what to make for dinner. And at home (as I really am a home girl), world schooling my children, doing yoga, meditating, being in nature. I created this blog to share everything I have learnt about creating a freedom life. A life of your dreams, through harnessing energy + vibration to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, successful and free. A life you deserve. A life that you love. There is another way. I'm sharing everything that I know.

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