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Changing your Frequency with Solfeggio Frequencies - sound meditations

(NOTE: I'm working on adding all of the 9 tones to YouTube this week. The first frequency is up already, all the rest being added slowly but surely)

Quick personal intro if you're new to the blog - I've been on a personal healing journey for the last 4 years, a spiritual awakening. Living within The Laws of the Universe, working with raising vibrations and frequency and manifesting my dream life in Bali, where I'm now living with my 2 kids, world schooling as we go. This is basically me in nutshell, although there's so much more to the story. Once I started to meditate and understand how energy and frequency worked, things started to shift for me in ways that I went from depressed (beating a lifetime of living with depression) and poor (covid shut my events business that meant I had no income and got into debt) to living my absolute best life, the kind I could only dream of. It really happened in less than 1.5 years. This blog is the most truthful and open thing I've ever done / written / worked on. It is a heart piece where I get to live straight from the heart instead of the mind and I'm sharing everything that I know can help others that may feel stuck in their life journey right now, whether that's the physical plane or the spiritual / metaphysical plane. I've learnt that you can't tell people what they're not ready for, so I don't. I don't blab on about deeper things (Quantum manifestation, quantum jumping, lucid dreaming, astral projection, receiving downloads in numbers from the sun, connection to galactic forces) to anyone in the street. But I have learnt that the right people find the right into at the right time for them. And so I writing this blog, if you've found it, then chances are you're already on this awakening journey and have experienced some of these things. And I hope you find the whole blog: helpful / inspiring / friendly. On a side note: my awakening journey has been quite lonely and this blog is my way of connecting to 'my people' because they are out there - in their many - there's a whole density on Earth where your people are - if you've ever felt like me.

I'm currently doing a sound healing course (as a hobby) because I don't plan to charge or do it as a business, more to use with the kids and myself. And we've been covering the topic of scale and The Solfeggio Frequencies. I wanted to do more of a deep dive on the blog here and share some info that might help others on their healing / wellness journey. With FREE access to the pure notes to listen to that are simple in their delivery but have the mighty power of changing physical vibration and this your current reality- things you may be going through right now that I believe you don't need to be going through (physical pain, energetic pain, depression, anxiety, ADHD, just to name a few). And just for those interested in the effects of sound in our life.

What are The Solfeggio Frequencies?

The Solfeggio frequencies or Solfeggio scale is a range of electromagnetic frequencies that when listened to change the frequency of the space where they sound out as well as that of the listener. They have an effect physically as well as emotionally & spiritually.

Everything in the universe is made of matter.  Matter is made up of atoms. And the atoms in our bodies, the molecules and atoms in inanimate objects, thoughts, consciousness and sounds - are all moving & vibrating. These vibrations resonate at their own frequency. The number of vibrations per seconds is known as "frequency", which is measured in Hz. 

We of course can’t hear all of these frequencies but everything is making its own song. There’s the technology now to hear what the stars sound like which is pretty beautiful.

The human ear can actually only hear a very limited range of vibrations per second [ 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz) ]. We hardly hear anything of what is really going on out there.

Whereas dolphins and bats are capable of hearing sound up to 100 kHz. More advanced beings & entities even more. So you can see how limited the human capacity for hearing sounds is. 

The Solfeggio Frequencies are 9 different pure tones / notes ranging from 174Hz to 963Hz that help heal and raise consciousness. If you’re on a spiritual journey, The Solfeggio frequencies will be one of the best tools to know about in your toolkit for sounds to heal trauma, clear energy blockages and raise consciousness to open the pineal gland and beyond. Solfeggio frequencies, interact with your brain to generate vibrations in your body. Just knowing what they were in the early days helped me to understand why I was feeling the way I was when around different frequencies. The sounds give you a little bit of what you need. Whether you’re at the beginning of an awakening and just need to take time out to relax after a busy day. Have better sleep. Release stress. Or you are working through a lot of childhood trauma or emotional trauma through chakra balancing meditations. Or are a seasoned meditator looking at raising your consciousness to the next level. It’s like having your own little medicine cabinet of sounds. Each frequency for different things.

Some sounds can heal DNA and others can harm it. Frequencies are therefore super powerful in terms of what they can for wellness & consciousness.

Not to be confused with Binaural beats (another blog post for another day),  Solfeggio frequencies are specific one-tone frequencies that are believed to have healing properties, whereas binaural beats are created by combining two different frequencies, and are believed to alter brain waves. I’ll do a blog post soon exploring binaural beats for increasing your vibration (different but good in equal measures for altering your vibrational frequency).

In this age of noise / stress / anxiety and being so far removed from our spiritual selves living very physical materialistic lives - sound therapy is a pretty instant hit for those looking for help. If you’ve never had a sound bath or sound therapy it comes highly recommended as one of the first things to book in on your spiritual journey. 

The Solfeggio frequencies can be listened to as pure tones (listen to each below) or used in music to create focused meditations or yoga practices specifically to suit the group or session. 

The scale of the sound holds a particular frequency that can be measured in Hz.

To fully understand how solfeggio frequencies work, you first need to know about the Schumann Resonance.

The Schumann Resonance and Solfeggio Frequencies

The Schumann Resonance, also referred to as "Earth's Heartbeat," is the electromagnetic frequency that vibrates between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere, the boundary where the Earth's atmosphere meets space.

The vibrations surround us, aligning with the five brain wave states we go through in a day: delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma.

An excess or deficiency of any of these brain waves can cause chaos in both the mind and body.

Listening to solfeggio frequencies stimulates and balances brain wave patterns which also has the potential to evoke a strong physical or mental reaction.

By listening to solfeggio frequencies corresponding to the 7 Chakras, you can promote the healing or clearing of specific energy centres in the body, leading to various positive outcomes such as the release of underlying emotional wounds.

The Solfeggio Frequency List

Below you will find the 9 pure solfeggio frequencies plus the pure miracle tone of the Universe. Simply click on the link next to tone that you want to hear. These are the pure tones, with no added music. You can play each tone on its own, or you can scroll through the list and play several (or all) of the tones at once. Each tone will last for 5 minutes. You would typically use the Solfeggio scale whilst meditating, doing yoga, or just as background noise in the day rather than the radio or tv which pumps out a not so kind vibrational frequency to the body (without us even realising it - read more about this in the 432Hz section)

What are the 9 different Solfeggio Frequencies ?

174Hz - 174 Hz Solfeggio relieves pain physically + energetically.

285Hz - 285 Hz Solfeggio is used for healing purposes.

396Hz - (UT) 396 Hz Solfeggio turns grief into joy. Helps overcome fear

417Hz - (RE) 417 Hz Solfeggio helps facilitate conscious + subconscious change to something positive in your life

432Hz (miracle tone) - Aligns with our planet’s heartbeat and heightens perception, increases the mental clarity of a person and unlocks intuition.

528Hz - (MI) 528 Hz Solfeggio repairs DNA. The miracle healing frequency.

639Hz - (FA) 639 Hz Solfeggio is used to re-connect with others and balance relationships. Attract love.

741Hz - (SOL) 741 Hz Solfeggio is used to improve self expression, cleanse negative energy resulting in a pure, stable healthier life.

852 Hz - (LA) 852 Hz Solfeggio is used to increase intuition.

963Hz - (SI) 963 Hz Solfeggio enables you to experience Oneness.

What do the Solfeggio Frequencies do ?

The 174Hz Solfeggio Frequency - The frequency of the earths energy. The healing frequency for the physical body. 174Hz is Used for Pain relief: Helps to alleviate physical pain in the body (particularly in the back, legs and feet). To relax muscles and lessen tension in the body. To relieve headaches. To reduce stress. Listen to the pure tone 174Hz Solfeggio frequency here

The 285 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - Enhances the Immune System. Heals and Regenerates Tissues, cuts. Used for the healing of the root chakra. Helps with feelings of security & safety. 285Hz is Used for Body Rejuvenation: Rejuvenate and heal your body. Listen to the pure tone 285Hz frequency here 

The 396Hz Solfeggio Frequency - Used to raise vibration & heal emotional body. 396Hz works with the root chakra on an emotional level. Heals feelings of guilt and doubt. Removes fear based negative spiral thinking to help create high vibe thought. Good for depression. An extremely low vibrational emotion which has low vibrations and attracts negative circumstances and outcomes, it's important to develop strategies for raising this vibrational frequency. And 396Hz is perfect for this Used for Liberating Guilt and Fear: Helps to let go of the fear and guilt. A common cause of deep rooted depression. Listen to the pure tone 396Hz frequency here 

The 417 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - Releases negativity & heals trauma. Capable of bringing about change, it signifies fresh beginnings in life. 417Hz is used for Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change: Also helps with overcoming past trauma. Heals + balances the sacral chakra. Removes toxins & negativity. Clean negative energy with a 417hz frequency whilst you meditate. Listen to the pure tone 417Hz frequency here 

The 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency A miracle tone, if there is one tone to choose it's the 528hz. Works in transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair): Helps to repair damaged DNA and creating miracles in your life. Connecting our heart, our spiritual nature, and the Divine harmony. 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - The Miracle Tone Solar Plexus Chakra. Listen to the pure tone 528Hz frequency here 

The 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - Boost Your Immune System | Removes Negativity Repulsive Magnet for Toxins. 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - This Tone will lead into Pure, Stable and Spiritual life. A Detox tone: Helps to detox your body and mind. 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Boost Your Immune System | Removes Negativity | Repulsive Magnet for Toxins. Listen to the pure tone 741Hz frequency here 

The 963 Hz | The Frequency of God - 963 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Awakening your Intuition and activating the Pineal Gland. For the Crown Chakra. Third eye opening. Pineal gland activation. Use to Awaken Perfect State: Helps with spiritual awakening and relates to third-eye and activation of the pineal gland. Listen to the pure tone 963 Hz frequency here 

How to Use Pure Tone Solfeggio Frequencies

The best way is to listen to each tone individually with headphones to work on a specific area. If you need to listen to more frequencies do it one after another.

If you want to feel the benefits of changing your vibration, listen to the tones daily with earphones for 21 days . Not loud just a comfortable volume as you go about the day. You will notice benefits after one session, but repeat for at least 21 days to get the most out of these tones.

[ insert link for my Solfeggio Tones habit making journal for readers to download - which helps make a one off activity become a habit through consistency - part of The Ultimate Daily Task Journal ] 

174 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

The Frequency of the Earth's Energy | the healing frequency for the physical body. 174Hz is Used To relieve physical pain in the body.

The Solfeggio scale's lowest frequency, 174 Hz, is the frequency of the Earth, which establishes a link between humans and the earth. 174 Hz operates as an energy anaesthetic, and it is excellent for relieving tension and pain. 174 Hz promotes a sense of security and has a mellow, calming quality. As a result of listening to 174 Hz, your muscles will relax, and will cause you to feel less stressed.

Every single thing in our Universe is composed of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. This frequency aids in the alleviation of back, leg, and foot pain, alongside migraines and stress. Additionally, 174 Hz may just be an excellent approach to alleviate emotional trauma.

174 Hz Solfeggio Benefits

  • 174 Hz has an incredible aid in resolving mental anguish. Individuals who have experienced the loss of a loved one or who have forgotten how to live blissfully can benefit from this solfeggio tone.

  • 174 Hz contains a variety of nodes and background tones that have a direct effect on the chakras, while also generating the healing power and energy that helps you feel better.

  • 174 Hz acts like magic on the brain tissues, enhancing emotional strength while promoting a sense of security, love, and courage.

  • 174 Hz aids in the rapid healing of a person.

  • 174 Hz will assist in the alleviation of back pain, foot pain, leg pain, lower back pain, migraines, and stress.

  • 174 Hz acts as a natural aesthetic and assist in the healing of sickness.

Hear The 5 minute 174 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Pure Tone Here:

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285 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

Enhances the Immune System. Heals and Regenerates Tissues. Used for the healing of the root chakra. 285 Hz is one of the most potent frequencies on the Solfeggio scale. This frequency is most renowned for its capacity to treat physical disorders, while promoting optimal health and a balance of energy. Every single thing in our Universe is composed of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. 285 Hz is beneficial for wounds, cuts, burns, and other types of injured tissue. Due to its remarkable ability to remember what should be and to restore cells to their original state, 285 Hz is considered to be closely tied to our body, mind, and soul's blueprint for optimal health and physical welfare. It has an effect on our electromagnetic field, sending messages and reconstructing damaged organs. 285 Hz is all about recalling and healing oneself from one's internal organs, vitality, and physical damages.

285 Hz Benefits

  • 285 Hz restructures damaged organs by communicating with Tissues and restoring them to their natural state.

  • 285 Hz helps strengthen the immune system.

  • 285 Hz Rejuvenates Damaged Tissues

  • 285 Hz has an effect on the energy field that surrounds you.

  • 285 Hz helps heal burns, fractures, sprains, cuts, lacerations and other traumas recover rapidly.

  • Connected to the root chakra so Helps with  feelings of security & safety

Listen to The 5 minute 285 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Pure Tone Here

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396Hz Solfeggio Frequency - The Root Chakra

Similar to 285Hz - It's one of the lower tones on the solfeggio scale, but its importance can't be understated when it comes to healing the emotional body. In fact, it's one of the fundamental tones used in sound healing. Here are a few of the benefits of working with this powerful frequency: 396 Hz aids in reducing or eliminating fear based thinking. Because fear is one of the emotions that possesses a very low vibration, and low vibrations attract negative circumstances and outcomes, it's important to develop strategies for raising this vibrational frequency. Use this solfeggio frequency to raise your vibration and heal your emotional body.

396 Hz Benefits

  • It heals feelings of guilt and doubt.

  • Some believe that this frequency can transform grief into joy.

  • 396 Hz can help when you are trapped in a spiral of negative thinking. Because it has a powerful effect on the emotional body, this frequency can aid in returning your thoughts to the higher vibrational state of positivity.

Listen to The 5 minute 396 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Pure Tone Here

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417 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - For The Sacral Chakra

This is where things start changing and healing. Capable of bringing about change, it signifies fresh beginnings in life. Heals + balances the second energy centre, the sacral chakra. Removes toxins & negativity. Clean negative energy with a 417hz frequency whilst you meditate. 417 Hz is beautiful Solfeggio tone that is known for its ability to repair and balance the Sacral Chakra. The sacral chakra can get blocked by traumatic life events, leading to repressed emotions and an inability to experience joy in life. Listening to this frequency can aid in unblocking this important energy centre.

Every single thing in our Universe is composed of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. When your Sacral Chakra opens, it is an incredible and beautiful time. You begin to fully access and embody your real divine essence as the creator of your life experiences.

Allow this incredible, powerful frequency to vibrate and tune your sacral chakra, removing all negativity, negative energy, blockages, and emotions. Below is 417 Hz Miracle Tone Music that was created specifically for the purpose of removing negative energy from the body.

417 Hz Benefits

  • 417 Hz opens your sacral chakra. When your sacral chakra is open, you will have a deeper understanding of the value of your relationships.

  • 417 Hz helps remove negative thoughts and behaviour patterns.

  • 417 Hz contributes to the emergence of positive change and creativity.

  • 417 Hz helps you will naturally engage change, morphing, and manifestation.

  • As you welcome changes and completely identify your desires, 417 Hz may cause you to feel a sense of enthusiasm for the future, which can also feel like restlessness.

  • 417 Hz removes Negative Energy from the Body.

  • 417 Hz helps the process of healing from trauma.

Listen to The 5 minute 417 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Pure Tone Here

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432 Hz | Solfeggio Frequency - General all round energy healing that we typically pair with another frequency

The Frequency of the Universe. The frequency most aligned with earths frequency (schumann resonance) often referred to as the heartbeat of the Earth. Releases emotional blockages + expands our consciousness.

Playing and listening to music tuned at 432 Hz promotes a sense of calm and well-being since 432 Hz is nature's harmonic intonation. When we connect with this tone, we are actually connecting to the energy and vibration of the Universe. It contributes to the body's and mind's relaxation, resulting in increased creativity, tranquillity, and spontaneity. 432 Hz also aids in the discharge of negative energy and may quickly transport us to a delightful level of calmness where it is natural. The scale is the link between the body, awareness, and nature.

432 Hz is softer and more tranquil, resulting in greater clarity and gentleness on the ears. Music tuned to 432 Hz is both physically and mentally soothing, as well as more harmonically pleasing than music tuned to 440 Hz. Numerous studies have also been conducted. It has been demonstrated that when people play and listen at 432 Hz, they feel calmer, happier, and more relaxed. 432 Hz is more ear-friendly, connects us to universal harmony, and has a positive influence on the mind and body.

Most music you listen to now is tuned to 440 Hz. Though it is not just the music you listen to, it covers T.V, radio, and whatever else you listen to via an electric device. The frequency of the universe is 432 Hz; 4+3+2 = 9. 440 Hz is an unnatural standard tuning frequency that lacks symmetry of sacred vibrations. The switch from 432 Hz to 440 Hz was ordered by Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister. He utilized it to make people think and feel a specific way and imprison them within a particular state of mind. The United States then introduced 440 Hz to the rest of the world in 1940, and it was finally adopted in 1953. 432 Hz is logical, sacred, and pure, while 440 Hz enhances hostility, entrains the thoughts towards disruption and disunity, and mainly disconnects the left and right hemispheres in your brain. When both sides of the brain works together in harmony (synchronicity) this is where pure magic happens. There is a reason we are being programmed to hear and watch disruptive frequencies guys. More on this another day.

Every single thing in our Universe is composed of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. Science and nature both point to 432 Hz as a powerful frequency that should serve as the basis for tuning instruments. Simply listening to the 432 solfeggio frequency has relaxing benefits, such as reducing anxiety and stress to their lowest minimum. This frequency is said to resonate inside the body, releasing emotional blockages and aligning you with the heartbeat of the universe. The music is said to heighten perception and increase mental clarity. Connect to the universe to unlock intuition.

432 Hz Benefits

  • Due to the more harmonic and pleasant character of 432Hz music compared to 440Hz, it promotes the release of serotonin and endorphins, which assist maintain stable blood pressure and heart rate.

  • 432 Hz has relaxing benefits, reducing anxiety and stress to a minimum.

  • 432 Hz induces a natural state of relaxation in our minds by releasing all negative energy.

  • 432 Hz has the capability of uniting the consciousness and body with nature's wonders.

  • 432 Hz helps in releasing negative energy blockages and acts as a good sound healing tool to release toxins.

  • 432 Hz increases the synchronization of both hemispheres of your brain, resulting in a boost in creativity, intuition, and insight.

Listen to The 5 minute 432 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Pure Tone Here

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528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - The Solar Plexus Chakra

Connecting our heart, our spiritual nature, and the Divine harmony. 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency is known as the Miracle Tone or the Love frequency related to healing and balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra. 

528 Hz is said to vibrate at the very heart of all things, connecting our heart, spiritual nature, and divine harmony. Known as the Love Frequency, Miracle Tone, or Transformation Frequency, it has a strong connection to nature, being found in everything from chlorophyll to human DNA. Additionally, it has mathematical significance and has been shown to have therapeutic properties. It is used to heal DNA. By restoring human DNA to its original state. Additionally, it prepares the individual for profound spiritual experiences and enlightenment. This Meditation Sound Therapy is highly capable of clearing deep seated blockages, works to heal broken DNA, healing on all Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Physical levels.

528 Hz Benefits

528 Hz is also referred to as 'Mi'. Mi is supposed to be derived from the Latin term Mira gestorum, which translates as "Miracle." Which is appropriate for this note, which induces what may be described as miraculous transformation, not only in our consciousness – but also in our DNA. Its healing properties are enhanced by toning and meditation.

  • It's effective in healing Physical, generational, and emotional trauma in our DNA using vibrations & frequencies.

  • Has the ability to heal and repair the body. It brings transformation and miracles into your life.

  • Significantly reduces stress on the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems, even after just five minutes of listening.

  • Reduced the toxic effects of ethanol, the principle ingredient found in alcoholic drinks, on cells. It's astounding how this frequency also increased cell life for about 20 percent.

  • Promotes healing of the 3rd chakra which is called Solar Plexus, it has beneficial effects to increase amount of energy and positivity boost.

  • This frequency urges us to rediscover the entire potential and strength of human consciousness.

Listen to The 5 minute 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Pure Tone Here

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741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - The Throat Chakra

Boost Your Immune System | Removes Negativity Repulsive Magnet for Toxins. 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - This Tone will lead into Pure, Stable and Spiritual life. 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Boost Your Immune System | Removes

Negativity| Repulsive Magnet for Toxins

The 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency, also known as the Sol Tone, acts as a repulsive magnet for toxins, negativity, anger, jealousy, lies and everything that acts or brings negativity into our lives. It liberates your ability to express yourself, so if you are in a state of negativity and want to eliminate it from your space, this is the frequency to use and meditate on. Ultimately, it acts as a protective barrier, both inside and outside us. It’s useful when trying to solve problems as it gives you increased mental clarity. This tone is used to enhance problem-solving skills, more specifically, problems relating to your ability to express yourself truthfully and openly. This frequency has a wealth of benefits, and all you need to do is simply listen to it and allow yourself to take it in to enjoy all of them, also is used for solving problems and awakening intuition, this frequency is also said to help lead you into the power of self-expression, which results in a more authentic and stable life.

741 hz helps blocked or closed individuals open up emotionally, liberating their ability to express themselves. It represents the power of self-expression, which is thought to promote a pure, stable, and healthier life.

Benefits of 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

  • Protects against negativity, allowing more positive thoughts to take their place in your life.

  • Removes Toxins and detoxifies the cells and organs.

  • Cleans the body and home, workspace from harmful electromagnetic radiations.

  • Purifies mind and body.

  • This sound vibration is also said to be useful when trying to solve problems as it will increase mental clarity.

  • The frequency of the throat chakra, which helps express creativity.

  • This frequency is ideal if you’re struggling with living a healthy lifestyle, expressing creativity, or speaking your truth.

Listen to The 5 minute 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Pure Tone Here

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852 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - The Third Eye Chakra

Raise Awareness and return to Spiritual Order. 852 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - Awakens intuition and used for balancing or healing the Third Eye Chakra and activating the Pineal Gland.

The 852 Hz Solfeggio Frequency is said to help in raising intuition, increasing awareness, and give greater access to spiritual experience and transformation. It is an excellent frequency if you're looking for deep dreams and astral projections. It is associated with Third Eye Chakra, the Center of our Intuition.

852Hz is said to help you return to the spiritual order; to Source. This tone is associated with a Frequency of Pure Love: in other words unconditional love. 852Hz is directly connected to the principle of light. It introduces at high vibrational levels, sensitizes and opens the person to spiritual experiences, originating directly in Spirit.

The frequency of the Third Eye Chakra and the miracle tone for awakening intuition 852Hz helps us balance the flow of energy into our brow chakra and helps us to access the hidden knowledge within; the supreme thoughtless realm of the human mind, which we like to refer as our intuition.

Benefits of 852 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

  • 852 Hz is connected to the Third eye Chakra.

  • 852 Hz is associated with a frequency of pure love, Unconditional love.

  • 852 Hz awakens Inner Strength and self-realisation.

  • 852 Hz remove Unconscious Bad Energy.

  • 852 Hz helps maintain Spiritual Order and Peace.

  • 852Hz is good for dissolving stagnate mental energy from to over-thinking.

  • 852Hz helps remove Self-Doubt and Subconscious Fears.

  • 852hz promotes Expression and Solutions.

Listen to The 5 minute 852 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Pure Tone Here

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963 Hz Solfeggio Frequency - The Crown Chakra

Known as The Frequency of God - 963 Hz Solfeggio Frequency is used for healing and balancing the Crown Chakra, Awakening your Intuition and fully activating the Pineal Gland.

963 Hz is frequently referred to as the "Frequency of Gods" and is also referred to as the "pineal gland activator." The Solfeggio frequency of 963 Hz is in tune with the Universe Light and enables direct spiritual contact with it. Additionally, this frequency can help you reconnect with Spirit or the spiritual world's fundamental non-vibrational energy. It is the divine connection frequency, and meditating with 963 Hz can assist in building a more intimate connection with the divine.

Every single thing in our Universe is composed of unique vibrations and energies. When the Crown Chakra awakens and opens, we begin the journey toward ascension and get access to boundless cosmic energy.

963 Hz Benefits

The 963 Hertz, commonly known as "Si," assist in reawakening and restoring any system to its original ideal state. As you meditate, tune into this frequency, being aware of your body and mind, and attempting to release any patterns that are not useful to you.

  • When applied to a cell, it induces a state of "cellular enlightenment" and the cell's transformation to a higher level.

  • This frequency can assist in reactivating your Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) and amplifying positive energy.

  • Restores your connection to the Spirit, or the non-vibrational forces of the spiritual world. It will help you to experience our genuine nature.

  • Aligns one with the Christ Consciousness's higher self, also known as Unconditional Love.

  • Allows for the guidance of Light and Love in our current experience.

  • If you're feel lonely, this frequency will assist you in reconnecting with the rest of the world.

Listen to The 5 minute 963 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Pure Tone Here

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And always leave a comment below if this page has helped you. I only write and share stuff on the blog to help you. So let me know. Does it help? Did you get something from it? And what do you want to know going forward? I am at your service, Fletchy McFletchface xx


To do for this page:

Record 9x individual tone 5 min videos + upload to YouTube and link to this page

285Hz - 396Hz - 417Hz - 528Hz - 639Hz - 741Hz - 852 Hz - 963Hz

Add all 9 solfeggio pure tones to make 1x40 min video + upload to YouTube and link to this page

Record my Hz meditations for each of the frequencies / chakras

Create Solfeggio Tones Daily Task Journal as part of The Ultimate Daily Task Journal - a habit making journal for readers to download free - that helps them make a one off activity become a habit through consistency

Post on healing each of the chakra's x 7 posts

Chakra deep dive blog post - What are chakras? x7 detailed chakra breakdowns



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Hey you! My name is Fletch, a Northern girl from the UK, living with the love of my life (aka Mr Be Nothing Like) and our 2 children, Lilly + Bertie Boo. We're about to embark on some big life moves, selling our things to move to the other side of the world, Bali, Indonesia to live a high vibe life of our dreams. You can find me in coffee shops working on my business (which runs passively), while researching on Instagram what to make for dinner. And at home (as I really am a home girl), world schooling my children, doing yoga, meditating, being in nature. I created this blog to share everything I have learnt about creating a freedom life. A life of your dreams, through harnessing energy + vibration to create a life where you feel happy, balanced, successful and free. A life you deserve. A life that you love. There is another way. I'm sharing everything that I know.

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