A Free Course for Parents Wanting To Start Their Home School Journey
If you're completely new to the idea of homeschooling (like I was) but are looking at home schooling your kids, here's a FREE COURSE for Parents that I did that helped me find my feet with making the decision. It's free. Online. I'm not paid for pimping this out. It's easy to do and helped me realise that homeschooling is very normal and popular choice of education in the UK (and world). I didn't need to be an eco warrior earth mum to do it. Phew.
I always start any journey with education. If I don't know about something - I learn it. This course was the first steps on my home ed journey. Go to the bottom of this page for the FREE course details.
When we took the decision to uproot our family and take the kids out of mainstream education, we had to learn new ways of learning. We were not the 'homeschooly type' (that's not even a thing btw) but we were going to be opting for this new way of life, inside our brand new way of life in Bali - and we were going to be homeschooling for the first time in our lives for a long list of many reasons why.
We were seeing topics being brought into schools that did not sit right for us personally. And had gotten fed of having to state our case for the kids to not to have some forced immunisation when everyone else seemed perfectly fine about it. At times it felt as though we were the only one's going against what everyone else was blindly agreeing too (little did we know there were other parents too that were just keeping quiet and not causing a fuss, but also standing firm on their beliefs and right to not be co-erced into anything that didn't sit right - more on this quiet army some other time). We used the Elie Grey letter templates to state our reasons for why we objected to the flu jabs for school age children in the UK in 2024. Thanks Ellie!
The system does not like it when parents have autonomy over their own kids. Who knew! And many parents feel forced into having their children in school and it just doesn't need to be this way. Here's the first steps I took in my own home schooling education.
We home schooled on our month long visit to Bali to see how it could work for us. It worked. Life was harmonious. Of course the kids still argued. Fought. We're not the Von Trapps, but we came together and left wanting more of this beautiful new way of living. We can see how we've been doing things wrong all of our lives and we're ready to start full time.
If you are thinking about home schooling your kids, but don’t know where to start, I thoroughly recommend The Centre of Excellence’s diploma on Home Schooling. We did it before embarking on our decision and it helped us when making the decision of whether Home Schooling was right for our children. Click on this link to use my refer a friend referral to sign up for account with them to get your Free Home Education course.

At the time of writing this Sept 2024, we are 100 days into our home school journey. It's been challenging but oh so good. The topics we've covered are varied and vast. But what has been absolutely amazing is that the kids have led the way with their learning and even though we're covering the basic boring stuff like Maths and English (with Doodle Apps for the 8 year old) and Maths GCSE for the 15 yo, they are both gravitating to a more hands on style of learning. Our 15yo has set up her first online business (we're so proud of her) and our 8yo is in the process of setting up his YouTube account as he's learning video editing. At such young ages, these are things they would not have done whilst at mainstream school (through fear, worry what others will think and all the the self doubt self sabotaging concepts we all pick up at school) that stop our kids from thriving and living the life where they thrive. I'll share more about their online skills learning and business journey soon.
We were not the 'homeschooly type' (that's not even a thing btw) but we now have a whole section on the blog dedicated to HOME SCHOOLING - so I guess you could say I am definitely the home schooly type now. Smirks. Home Schooling / World Schooling it's all the same. We call our home learning situation ' Worldschooling' because we're always somewhere else in the world (mainly Bali), but the principle is the same.
Check that section out if you feel lost, overwhelmed, or just want to see what a typical day looks like. I hope it helps you. And also please comment here to let me know what you would like to see in that section. I am always at your service, Fletchy McFletchface xx
The course is more detailed than I thought it would be, especially since it is a free course. 10 modules split into smaller parts. I got a lot of value from it, (learning in an evening, where I had spare time, over a couple of weeks) and I hope you get a lot from it too. Of course, we now world school both kids, which is essentially home schooling but out in the world (The course is good for this too) and it all started with this course. Not bad for a freebie.
So What's on the Free Home Education course?
Module 1: Home Education
6 parts
Part 1: What is Home Education?
Part 2: De-Registering From School
Part 3: LEA
Test Your Knowledge
Key Learning Points Exercise
Module 1 Assessment
Module 2: Benefits & Negatives of Home Education
7 parts
Part 1: Benefits of Home Education
Part 2: The Impact on Family Time
Part 3: Further Benefits
Part 4: Negatives of Home Education
Test Your Knowledge
Key Learning Points Exercise
Module 2 Assessment
Module 3: The Spectrum of Home Education
5 parts
Part 1: Home Education Spectrum
Part 2: Flexible Education Case Studies
Test Your Knowledge
Key Learning Points Exercise
Module 3 Assessment
Module 4: Learning Styles
6 parts
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Aural
Part 3: Logical / Mathematics
Test Your Knowledge
Key Learning Points Exercise
Module 4 Assessment
Module 5: Materials & Resources
5 parts
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Resources
Test Your Knowledge
Key Learning Points Exercise
Module 5 Assessment
Module 6: Preparing Lessons
7 parts
Part 1: Preparing for Home Educating
Part 2: Further Lesson Examples
Part 3: Lessons Continued
Part 4: Final Lessons
Test Your Knowledge
Key Learning Points Exercise
Module 6 Assessment
Module 7: Mastery, Testing, Grades & University
5 parts
Part 1: Mastery
Part 2: Grades & University
Test Your Knowledge
Key Learning Points Exercise
Module 7 Assessment
Module 8: Myths & Questions about Home Education
5 parts
Part 1: Addressing Myths
Part 2: Questions about Home Education
Test Your Knowledge
Key Learning Points Exercise
Module 8 Assessment
Module 9: Tips, Suggestions & Advice
6 parts
Part 1: Top Tips
Part 2: Advice
Part 3: Other Tips
Test Your Knowledge
Key Learning Points Exercise
Module 9 Assessment
Module 10: Considering Home Education
6 parts
Considering Home Education
Test Your Knowledge
Key Learning Points Exercise
National Curriculum
Module 10 Assessment
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And always leave a comment below if this page has helped you. I only write and share stuff on the blog to help. So let me know. Does it help? Did you get something from it? And what do you want to know going forward? I am at your service, Fletchy McFletchface xx