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The digital products market is huge and only set to grow in the coming years. With people turning to online for solutions to their problems and the self development market being super hot right now. A trend that looks set to grow and grow. 

So why not, jump on that trend by creating digital products that help solve a problem for your client / customer / audience? You can monetize a skill that you know! And literally anybody can offer their expertose and know how in a digital guide or digital product. Even if you're not that techy!

I'll show you how to make money selling your own digital guides (that you created), or selling others guides as they are, or selling others guides that you can make into your own by swapping the logo and personalising it to make it 'more you' (Private Label Rights - PLR), OR go one step more and offer digital products that you sell on for others to then also sell on as their own (Master Resell Rights MRR). All of which this page can help you cut through the noise and start your own digital business today!

I started selling my own guides, giving out free to my audience (in exchange for an email address) - things that I'd personally overcome and knew stuff about. I was an expert at. For example teaching people how to Adopt a Self Care Routine, How to Sage Cleanse, How to start a business, how to make money online, how to Meditate etc etc.


Then I started selling these guides because I knew they worked and I knew my audience got value from by this point. A small nomial amount, that the customer doesn't mind parting with, with the aim of solving their problem and thus the customer comes back time and time again for other guides. 

If you need help with starting your online business journey selling digital products, use my Step by Step Workbook 'How To Make Money Online - Selling Digital Products' a digital workbook that literally holds your hand in the digital products business process. Step by step. One foot in front of the other.

This page has everything Digital Products related to help inspire you to think about new ways of working.

To make a better life for your family.

Earn extra income as a side hustle or as a passive income. 


You were not born to be a slave, working a job that you don't like until retirement. The chances are most of us will not even get to retirement with the retirement age increasing. The employment landscape is changing too. Most of the jobs you see today, will not exist in 20 years. This is a good thing. There is opportunity in change. We should all be looking at ways to monitise the digital space. Because in my opinion digital is where it's at.

The sky is the limit in this new era of working online. And what's really interesting is that the earnings are literally uncapped. I used to see people (on Insta) earning these 6 figures after just a few months, and the skeptic in me (and also practical business owner that had struggled to make money) thought what a load of garbage, and this simply cannot be true. Because I knew the reality of working for myself running my own small business. It was bloody hard graft and any small business owner I know will agree with me here. But the avid learner in me kept an open mind and dipped my toe in to the online / digital products world. Selling other peoples products and now creating my own and selling them. 

I have created a life where I can work from anywhere in the world with my online businesses. And I'm sharing everything here to get others creating their beautiful dream life. I'm currently in beautiful Bali, with my 2 children and Guy (who a runs his own online businesses (using my tried and tested strategy that works!)

In my view this kind of work is for everybody and something that EVERYBODY should be doing / and can do.Everybody has a skill or something that someone else is willing to pay for. You might not think it but it's true.


Find your own niche around your own story, feelings, passion, knowledge or experience and you have the winning formula for setting up your own online business. Harnessing your skills / passions / trauma's that you overcame or are even working through right now maybe. You might think you have no skills to offer. Or you might now even know where to start. You are wrong about the first part. There is so much that you know, that others don't and would pay to know. And for the latter: I CAN SHOW YOU. Then find related digital products to sell to your people that will help them solve a problem or pain that they have. Or create your own. Creating your own digital products takes TIME. So if your short on time and want to start selling straight away access to The Digital Products Library gives you instant access to over 300 digital products to start selling immediately on your chosen platform (.g. Etsy or your Shopify Store etc) either on their own or as part of a big digital products bundle. 

Earning with our online businesses keeps us free to fit work in on our terms, and allows us to be present for the kids, to have fun, travel, and world school them. And best of all since taking the leap, we're earning more than we ever could in our old lives. Working less hours than we've ever worked (we were slaves to our old jobs). We only wish we did it sooner.

This is my dream. But I'm not special. If I can do it so can you!


So, if this has your brain cogs whirring, then go find your Niche. And start thinking of what digital products you could sell to your people today.


As promised, this blog is my way of giving back. Digital Product Ideas on how to earn online / Starting a blog / Finding a niche / How to Sell on Etsy / Business Plan guides and soooo soooo much more. Follow our Socials and subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated.


And work on your terms.

From anywhere.

Building your dream and not somebody elses.


The best time to start anything was yesterday.

The second best time is right now.

There is so much opportunity right now to earn online and start living life on your terms. We want to help as many people as possible to start living the life they dream of.

Use everything that we share on our blog to get your own online business up + running today. First up by brainstorming, finding your interests, skills and expertise to hone in on Finding Your Niche. Then building an online business around that. Monetise what you know.

Use our guides to help you in your Digital Products Business Journey.


Before we started our own online journey, we had our own physical businesses and an office that we worked from. Whilst running our own businesses, we had the flexibility in that we didn't have a boss to answer to. BUT we were still TRAPPED in our own rat race. WE had to be in the office, working long hours and feeling exhausted and drained, with little time left for our selves or our kids. Since starting our own online businesses that we now work from literally anywhere in the world that has a wifi connection. Working hours that suit, whilst we travel SE Asia full time with our kids. And we can show you how.

Following our exact same blueprint that we use, you can learn all the things you need to start earning online. Whether that's purely for extra income to go alongside your earnings or uncapped earnings where the sky is the limit. 

We know because we've done it. And if we can do it. You can too!

You might not share the same dreams of travelling full time, but whatever your own dreams are, having your own online business is the best way to earn and live life (in our opinion). Maybe you want to pay your house off (something we've done), or buy a holiday home (something were doing), or just have more money. You need to create a way to earn online. Passively. 

We know because this is the life that we live. And we get to live the life of our dreams building our own dream. And if we can do it. You can too! Everybody can: young, old, stuck in a rut, the frazzled mum, the old lady that thinks they have nothing to offer anybody. Are you kidding me, YOU are more wonderful than you realise, and have you're own unique skills to offer. 

SIGN UP TO OUR EMAILS to get updates on ways of  earning online, passively, becoming financially free to live life on your terms. I have so much to share.


Tools to help you Start + Scale Your Digital Products Offerings

Helpful tools + Resources to start earning online and become your authentic best self, living a more balanced and fulfilling life that you truly deserve. Start with finding your niche if you are at the very beginning of your online journey. If you have a business already, you can use the Niching down tools to refine your business further more. Selling in a niche, to a very specific target customer is way easier than selling everything to everyone. Find your niche, to find your solution to a problem of a very specific person: A Dad with a Dad Bod looking to gain Muscle; A Mum that's lost herself after having children and looking to create more 'me time'; A world schooling family struggling to keep their kids engaged with learning; A teenager that's struggling with mental health etc etc.

Hand Shadow

FREE 100 profitable Niches



Big Ideas Notebooks

Notebooks for narrowing down your niche, business planning, ideas gathering and brainstorming. If you have many tabs open in your brain, you're going to need a notebook to offload all those ideas onto paper. 

Shop our Beautiful Note Books to jot those big ideas.

Notebook and Pen

How To Find Your Niche Mini Workbook

Get Your Instant Download to niche down and find your niche today. To start your online business to financial freedom.

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