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Aura Photo's 


We travel with our specialist equipment to host aura photography at your event / festival / home / group / retreat / hotel. Whether that's a set up for brand activation or a wonderful gift / activity for guests and attendees  to take home their very own unique photo of their aura captured at that particular moment in time. Followed by an aura reading (depending on your package level). We offer tailor made packages from the basic 1:1 aura photo portrait, to other packages offering aura reading, branded literature, aura cleansing products for retreats / event / brand activations. Fletch is level ii reiki attuned and qualified to offer a calming portrait with a relaxed vibe. 


What is an Aura?

Our energy is often the first thing people feel or sense. If you are sensitive to energy, you may feel the energy of a room or somebody’s energy, whether that’s a good or bad experience.


An aura is an invisible (to most) electro magnetic field surrounding the body. Everybody’s aura is different but there are colours that relate to different attributes and characteristics that can give us an idea of where our energy is at the time of the photo shoot, and a direction to go in to make positive changes in our lives.


See yourself in a way you never have before. You can view the electromagnetic field that exists around your body (the aura), providing a unique insight into your spiritual life force.


We are taking bookings for aura photography for dates during 2023 + 2024. 


For our aura pack and bookings please contact us at .



If you want to discuss how we can work together. Have a pop up aura area at your festival, wellness retreat, brand opening, corporate event, spiritual group exploration setting, fashion event and anywhere where there are journeys of self discovery and personal development, high energy occasions and vibes. 


Vibe your ideas with us at

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