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Aura Photography


We are aura photographers. That's the day job. And a magical job it is.


We travel to events with our specialist aura camera equipment and host aura photography at events / festivals / private party's / retreat's / hotels. Whether that's a set up for brand activation, product launch, corporate team building or just a cool activity to have for your people. We are also opening our aura photography studio in Bali 2024.


We see our Aura Photography as the ultimate 'True selfie' where each attendee receives a 1 on 1 private aura portrait + reading. Guests get to take home their very own unique photograph of their aura captured at that particular moment in time. Followed by an optional aura reading describing the colours of the aura and what they mean for that persons aura. An aura photo is a beautiful etheric piece that describes your current energetic state at that time. We see aura photography as a gateway into spirituality as we tend to find at events that we shoot people that have never even heard of what an aura is - they just want a pretty colourful picture of themselves... it's our way to spread the energy and educate about this energetic bubble that surrounds us all. And from there awaken an interest in all things energy / vibration and spiritual. Failing that there's always the pretty rainbow picture! 


We are taking aura bookings for 2024 and now 2025/2026. Our diary is currently as follows: Bali Indonesia 2024. Aura photography UK and Europe March 2024-July 2024 (limited availability only). Aura photography Ibiza May 2024 summer season (2 slots available in August). Our dates overlap for some of these destinations so please get in touch to discuss your dates. We are opening our permanent Bali studio after October 2024 with a second destination to be announced soon!


Thinking of having aura photography at your next event? For our aura pack and bookings please contact us at .

What is an Aura

After years of working with energy flow through meditation, yoga, plant medicine, reiki (level ii trained) & a psychology degree. We have always been fascinated with science and the mystical. Forces that can be explained through science and forces that exist but that we have yet to discover or explain with our current plane of understanding. Vibrational energy, frequency, quantum physics and the forces that we know to exist but that we cannot see or explain. But that we know are there. 


In fact, if we take things way back to when Fletch first met Si, all the way back in 2007. Fletch, working in a Manchester city centre office, was sent out to greet a guy coming for a job interview, this guy was Si. As she greeted him, she noticed something more than his shirt and tie (+ the fact that he was mega fit!), In short it was a haze of light radiating from his whole body in colours of mostly yellow, with slight tinges of reds and oranges. This was quickly bypassed with the rush of reality and getting him sat down, into the waiting room ready for his interview, as she was back to her desk and back to work etc. What she had seen was his aura. Read all about our aura journey here.


Intrigued by aura's and the energy of people and places. Some places have huge energy within them. We set on a lifelong learning researching the science of colour and honing our photography skills. Looking at aura's of musical venues, DJ's, individual talents and creatives, through Si's work as a DJ (Space, Sankeys Ibiza; Watergate, Sisyphos, Goldengate (Berlin) + Pacha, (London). Catch up on Si's part of the blog here. An explorative project into the energy of people. The essence of us.


We are now opening up our private aura photography to the world. Next year will see us visiting Bali, Europe, the UK and onto Ibiza, with bookings for 2025 now open. We set up our amazing aura photography studio, with electromagnetic photography equipment, we take a unique personal polaroid of an individual. These photos capture the unique energy and aura of each person on Polaroid photo, a snapshot of the individual aura, at that exact time, captured on film and presented in a stylish wallet for them to take home, as a memento of their time at your venue, event etc. There is no photoshopping or editing involved. Simply you + your energy and a double exposure camera taking readings from biofeedback radiating from hand sensors.


The aura portraits are a magical thing. As each person places their hands on the electro magnetic sensors, their individual aura is generated and captured, with a double exposure picture on our awesome camera that first takes the portrait, followed by capturing the aura through vibrational energy from the hands via the sensors.


After having your aura captured on film, you will receive a complimentary aura reading explaining the colours and meaning of your aura. The ultimate 'selfie' that we refer to as 'The True Self-ie'


What do we do?

  • We travel to you -  taking our aura photography studio on the road as we pop up at events near you

  • capturing auras on camera

  • Have Aura photography for your brand / brand activations

  • Aura photography for your event

  • Aura photography for festival

  • Private aura photography at your home event / group

  • Aura photography for retreat / wellness centre

  • Aura photography for hotel / business


Aura Photography Prices

For our event aura pack please contact us.


Brand Collaborations

For aura photography brand collaborations where our team come to you and carry out the sessions / readings with your branded logo materials. For more information please contact us.



Aura Photography

We travel to your event / brand launch with our specialist equipment to capture aura portraits at your event / festival / home / group / retreat / hotel. Whether that's a set up for brand activation or a wonderful gift / activity for guests to take home their very own photo of their aura captured on film for them to take away. We are currently taking bookings now for 2025. Our diary is currently as follows: Bali Indonesia 2024. UK and Europe March 2024-Summer Season.


For our aura pack and bookings please contact us at .

aura readings


If you want to discuss how we can work together. Think: Artistic creative projects, pop up aura events at festivals, wellness retreats, brand openings, corporate events, spiritual group exploration settings, fashion events and anywhere where there are inquisitive people, on journeys of self discovery and personal development, high energy occasions and vibes. We vibe with all ideas. We're always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's align and connect. As we tour & explore. The first time we'll be 'on the road' bringing peoples colour and magic to life in true tangible polaroid form.


Vibe with us at

Be Nothing Like Family Travel Blog Blogging about earning online for financial freedom


Hello, we are a couple from the UK in the pursuit of happiness with our 2 children. We like to travel. We like doing good things, good coffee, good food, living a healthy lifestyle.

Self development, fitness + yoga, and being the best we can. And doing it all with kids.

Follow our journey travelling the world, world schooling, following the call of our souls to living the life we should all be living. Read More...


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Be Nothing Like Blog - A Spiritual journey of a family | living high vibe life | travel with kids

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