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Week 1 Growing My Youtube Channel


Posts coming soon... 

  • Week 2 Growing My Youtube Channel

  • Weeks 1 -12 My first 3 Months in Growing My Youtube Channel

  • What YouTube paid me in my first month of being monetised

  • How much I earn from YouTube 6 months of being Monetised 


I recently started my own small Youtube channel with the goal to GET MONETIZED and grow the channel from zero (0) to 1k subscribers (1000) and document my growth journey with you guys to show you how to do the same.


I'm a 40 year old Mum that has never even used YouTube before so I guess you could say this is going to be a steep learning curve. But I'm sharing everything that I've learned to grow this account , literally from zero.


We earn all of our family income online through our buisnesses and this allows us to work remotely from anywhere in the world. This is what sparked our idea to uproot and travel full time, rather than be stuck in the UK with terrible weather, which lead to our big life decision and move to Bali with our 2 children to live a more fulfilled and happier life. A dream life in our eyes.


Earning online gives us the freedom to live our dream life and we think everybody can do this! 


We know that the way to ensure your financial freedom is to have multiple passive income streams to ensure your financial independence and freedom / safety. Which is why we're documenting all the ways we earn online, showing others how to do exactly the same. Youtube is a huge business and if you start seeing it this way, you can learn how to monetize it into your own online business. To become your own passive income stream as a side hustle to earn that extra bit of cash for mums or to replace your full time job, giving you total freedom over your life. How amazing does that sound! Best of all, it's totally do-able to grow your new YouTube channel to monetized status with commitment and I'm going to show you EXACTLY HOW WE ARE DOING IT (and one day, my future self will come back to this statement and replace it with the following: I'm going to show you EXACTLY HOW I DID IT - HOW I GREW MY SMALL YOUTBE CHANNEL FROM ZERO TO MONETIZED IN X AMOUNT OF TIME..... watch this space!)

MY COMMITMENT I plan to do 2 video's per week on my Niche subject - Our Bali Travel life as well as daily shorts of everyday snapshots / life. Plus 1 weekly growth video showing how the account has grown.

In this growth series I share Analytics from the channel and what I used to improve that week. Resources, useful tools, apps, courses, other YouTube channels that helped me. To show others how do-able it is to start earning online from YouTube with a skill or passion of your own. 


This page will be updated along the way with everything YouTube Channel GROWTH related to help inspire + give others the tools they need to start and grow their new small YouTube Channel.


THE WHY: My 'why?' for starting and growing is to create an extra passive income stream that allows me to continue this dream life that I'm living. I don't ever want it to stop. I want to continue this freedom journey so that my children don't have to be trapped in a job they hate. Your why may be different to mine. Whether that's to make a better life for your family. Earn extra income as a side hustle or as a full time passive income. Have a think about your why so that when the going get's tough, your WHY will carry you through to stick with that commitment you made to yourself and growing your YouTube channel.


This is where you can WATCH ME DO IT! TO THEN GO DO IT YOURSELF!

Subscribe to the Be Nothing Like YouTube Channel to see how you can live your dream life
Image by Christian Wiediger
Image by Szabo Viktor
Canva crash course - an e book for beginners to learn how to use canva to create digital products, logos, thumbnails
Stacked Books
Beach Run


And work on your terms.

From anywhere.

Building your dream and not somebody elses.

By Starting a Youtube Channel based around your niche, your skills, your passions, your hobbies, your trauma, or anything that you overcame in your life that could help others. Show them how you did it. Or show them how to do something to make their lives better. And in doing so, grow your channel to start getting paid for the invaluable content that you are putting ot there to help change the world or a particular persons 'struggle'. When you start solving peoples pains or problems everything will change for you in your online business earnings.


The best time to start anything was yesterday.

The second best time is right now.

There is so much opportunity right now to earn online and start living life on your terms. By Starting Your YouTube Business. When you start looking at YouTube as a BUSINESS this is a game changer.


We want to help as many people as possible to start living the life they dream of.

Watch me grown my channel so that you can start / grow your YouTube channel to reach that Monetization goal.


Before we started our own online journey, we had our own physical businesses and an office that we worked from. Whilst running our own businesses, we had the flexibility in that we didn't have a boss to answer to. BUT we were still TRAPPED in our own rat race. WE had to be in the office, working long hours and feeling exhausted and drained, with little time left for our selves or our kids. Since starting our own online businesses that we now work from literally anywhere in the world that has a wifi connection. Working hours that suit, whilst we travel SE Asia full time with our kids. And we can show you how.

You can learn all the things you need to start earning online. EVERYTHING IS LEARNABLE! We bought a house at auction that was in bad need of doing up but we couldn't even put a shelf up. Where we crazy? YES. But we knew that we could learn anything. And guess where we turned to to do all of our learning....?


Yep, that's right YouTube! We learned about best DIY tools, plastering, plumbing, electrics, tiling, painting, EVERYTHING! Completely from YouTube. We used other peoples knowledge in a skill that we didn't have at the time, to learn it, then do it. To help us get the thing done!

And those people (rightly so) earn from putting their content out there. So wha's stopping us / you doing the same? Whether that's purely for extra income to go alongside your earnings or uncapped earnings where the sky is the limit. 

YouTube helped us turn an unloved house into pure hard cash. You can also help others improve or change their life with what you know. Grow that channel and get paid for it.


You might not share the same dreams as us of travelling full time, but whatever your own dreams are, having your own online business is the best way to earn and live life. Maybe you want to pay your house off (something we've done), or buy a holiday home (something were doing), or just have more money. You need to create a way to earn online. Passively. 

We know because this is the life that we live. And we get to live the life of our dreams building our own dream. And if we can do it. You can too! Everybody can: young, old, stuck in a rut, the frazzled mum, the old lady that thinks they have nothing to offer anybody. Are you kidding me, YOU are more wonderful than you realise, and have you're own unique skills to offer. 

SIGN UP TO OUR EMAILS to get updates on ways of  earning online, passively, becoming financially free to live life on your terms. I have so much to share.


Tools to help you Improve Your YouTube Channel to Achieve Monetization

Helpful tools + Resources to improve each week on your YouTube Growth. Things that helped me grow. Week by week. Canva link / Canva for Beginners Free E-Book / VIDIQ / CapCut

Hand Shadow

Canva For Beginners


Youtube note books

Big Ideas Notebooks

Notebooks for narrowing down your niche, business planning, ideas gathering and brainstorming. If you have many tabs open in your brain, you're going to need a notebook to offload all those ideas onto paper. 

Shop our Beautiful Note Books to jot those big ideas.

Notebook and Pen

How To Find Your Niche Mini Workbook

Get Your Instant Download to niche down and find your niche today. To start your online business to financial freedom.

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